Chapter 8

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Chapter 8/10 – let's start some drama!

Also happy new year everyone! First post of 2019! I am counting down till I get to see the guys in concert.. it will be so much fun and I can meet them too!


Danny p.o.v

I am slowly building my confidence with being able to explore some of the school by myself. I can definitely go to the toilet on my own. We have a free lesson where we could go into the library if we wanted to and I definitely took that opportunity. The others know where I am should their lessons end and if I am in here because I am too into the book I was reading at the time. They know I am into reading now that I know how to read, and I can read novels now. Aron has moved out of the lost boy's home now which is good, but since he hasn't graduated yet we still see him around school. He mostly avoids us which is good. I still here people calling him a pillow fucker every now and then. I find it pretty funny that something I came up with on the spot under pressure is now sort of his legacy in the school.

I was aware that it was nearing the break time, but I was so into the book I don't know that I am going to leave on time to meet Dylan and the others. I've been too nervous to ask the librarian to borrow the book, so that I could read the book at home or something. I don't think that I would be yelled at for asking, I see so many people doing it all the time. I am just still a little too shy at the moment to ask for it. I feel Dylan sit next to me, I know it's him because he always twirls some of my hair when he sits next to me. "Hey, enjoying your book there?" he asks me, and I nod. I was still not finished but I hope that I can find this book again later and remember where my place is. "Yeah, not finished it yet though," I tell him.

"That's okay, we can go to the lady on the desk and you can ask if you can borrow it," Dylan says, confidently. He always has so much more confidence than me. We walk up to the desk and Dylan walks me through what I had to say in order to be able to borrow the book for a week. She knew that it was my first time too, so she was really nice and didn't make me feel like an idiot for not knowing what to do. I stay close to Dylan as we walk out, I saw Aron nearby and I didn't want him to start any crap even though we don't hold hands when we are in any place that Aron could know about the relationship and start bullying us for it. Once we were out of Aron's sight Dylan briefly held my hand until we found the others waiting for us at our usual place.

"Had a good morning then Danny?" George asks, and I nod. Both Dylan and I sit down on top of the picnic bench and Dylan wrapped his arms around me. "Yeah, we had a sub teacher who said that if we did all the work that was set for today then we could go to the computer room or the library for the lesson after we proved that the work was done," I tell them. They already knew I was at the library because I texted them that. Caleb gave us all phones as a gift for us behaving so well over that last few weeks he had been dealing with Aron and trying to get him removed from the home. "Borrowed his first library book today as well," Dylan mentions, the book now safely in my backpack because I was worried about it getting damaged.

"Well done Danny, now that we can build your confidence further and I can recommend you some new books to try out," George tells me, and I smile at him. I do agree that I am slowly and surely becoming more confident in myself that I can do more things. I watch as Matt and Jordon have a little play fight on the grass. I am more than happy to sit on the side-lines and watch this happen. I don't really want to take part in any play fighting because it's just not my thing. George knows that, so he is going to sit with me and let the other four people enjoy the play fighting that they are having this break time. Dylan and Jorel started and the Matt and Jordon decided to jump on the other two and make it a tag team play fight.

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