Picture Perfect

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Chapter 36- Picture Perfect

My head peaks around the corner to spy on the engaged couple kissing as they sit together on a velvet couch in the Sitting Room. Morning sunlight pours into the room, reflecting off of Dylan's diamond ring on her finger.

My eyes flick down to my ring. The giddy smile disappears into a frown. Dylan's ring is way more special than mine will ever be. No, I'm not talking about how expensive or how pretty it is. I mean, her's has sentimental value and strong meaning. Mine might as well just be a decoration.

When my eyes return to the lovestruck couple, and immediately, my smile returns. They pull away from their kiss and start mumbling to each other quietly.

Suddenly, I hear a few words whispered in my ear, "Aw, that is just full of adorableness!"

My eyes lock onto Robin's as a pair of dimples appear on his cheeks when he grins. Playfully, I slap his chest, "Oh, be quiet."

"Stalker much?"

"Well, sorry for--" Robin interrupts me.

"--being a hopeless romantic?" Robin raises an eyebrow.

"Guilty as charged." I reply, smiling.

He chuckles, "You like that lovey-dovey stuff, Arizona?"

I nod my head, causing my blonde hair to bounce. Robin smirks, "Nice."

The clicking of high heels brings me back to what I was doing, and Dylan and Miles walk out of the Sitting Room. Dylan has the biggest smile in the world, and she meets eyes with me, "Oh, Arizona! Thank you so much for letting this all happen," her arms gesture around to the magnificent surroundings, "This is just so... exquisite!"

I smile. "You're welcome. I am excited for your engagement! I'm sure you will be doing a lot, and I mean a lot, of planning."

Miles laughs and Dylan nods. "We are going to have huge ice sculptures, glitter and jewels everywhere, and a chocolate fountain!"

I hold up a hand, stopping her from continuing, "Woah, wait! If there is a chocolate fountain, then I know where I will be the whole time."

Dylan giggles and gazes up at my brother, ''The feeling doesn't even feel real yet. I am just so happy... I-I can't even wrap my around it all."

A servant walks up to us and stares at me, "The queen has said that it is time for their departure. Arizona, please say your goodbyes and the couple shall be off on their way." Then, he is gone.

Robin watches us as I hug Dylan and Miles. As I hug Miles tight, I whisper in his ear, "Please, tell Jasper next time you see him that I'm coming back." The thought that there is a chance of coming back and returning to my old life, and that this will be something of the past. This will all be old news and all these worries will disappear out of thin air.

Miles whispers, "That reminds me, last time I talked to him over VisualCall he told me that he misses you. I'll give him your message."

With that, we part ways and he is torn away from me, but this time, I don't think he minds as much. Miles's focus can't be taken off of Dylan for a long time now. Even if he was spending time with his sister who he knows has been through a lot, but he is lovestruck. I can't blame him for not paying me much attention. Plus, Miles was just here to propose to her.

Robin looks over at me with a smirk and one eyebrow raised, "Ready to dance?"

"Guess so." Robin picks me up bridal style again with a cheeky grin. His hair was a bit in his eyes, and his eyes stare into mine with a wild glint in them. The crazy boy's huge smile made crinkles appear by his eyes, and his dimples make another appearance. "Put me down!" I giggle but my giggles just encourage him.

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