3.2K 58 127

Liked by milliebobbybrown, jacobsartorius and 659,827 othersy/u/n Gon' be vandalizing some stuff with ya girl @cactiluna

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Liked by milliebobbybrown, jacobsartorius and 659,827 others
y/u/n Gon' be vandalizing some stuff with ya girl @cactiluna


cactiluna Ye

wyattoleff Careful

drumboym Don't fall

finnwolfhardofficial Don't get caught

lilia @drumboym @finnwolfhardofficial just don't in general geez

milliebobbybrown Why?

dkharbour Hawkins chief and police are coming to the spot.

uncle_jezzy Yeah, that's a no.

gatenm123 Be careful Please Erin and Y/n!

maddieziegler oof?

gracevanderwaal Why didn't you invite me? :(

chesterrushing Gnarly.

chosenjacobs But why? I mean, I won't judge, but why?

elliehiyar Bitches being dumb, bitches getting caught

therealcalebmclaughlin Damn, bad asses

sadiesink_ Let me join!

jacobsartorius Dat ass

drumboym @jacobsartorius dude fuck off

jacobsartorius @drumboym what are you going to do about it, weirdo?

drumboym @jacobsartorius I just might beat your ass

jacobsartorius @drumboym we'll see about that.

b/f/u/n Don't get in trouble

e/u/n Lmao stupid whores

hatepagefory/n lmao I hope u fall and break ur neck

A/n guys 17k? This is insane, thank you so much for reading this story!

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