telling the fans

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4 months later***
So today we are going to tell they fans that i am pregnant it has been four months since telling our parents and the boys. We are taking profesional pictures now and i'm so excited and i can't freaking wait till we post them. after we are done Brad gets on instagram and post the picture that we both liked the most.

i am so glad to say that we are finally starting a little family with my beautiful girlfriend i hope y'all can support us both in this and soon we will be welcoming our two little angels into the world💖💙@yourusernameAfter i read what brad posted...

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i am so glad to say that we are finally starting a little family with my beautiful girlfriend i hope y'all can support us both in this and soon we will be welcoming our two little angels into the world💖💙@yourusername
After i read what brad posted i started tearing up "ughhh i hate these pregnancy hormones" Brad just laughed at me and kissed me passionately "love you Y/N" brad said "one more time" i said with my eyes closed and a small smile "I love you Y/N" and with that we went home and cuddled till we fell asleep.

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