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Mason Maloney

I sat in front of Sam, in between his legs and leaning back on his chest, as he and Ross played Madden together. Christo was lying on his stomach across the foot of Ross's bed, intently watching the screen.

After our run, we decided to invite Christo over and hang around for a bit before I had to go home. When Ross suggested Madden, Sam was quick to agree. And so, the four of us sat on Ross's bed while the two of them played the game and I was bored out of my mind. It didn't bother me too much though. Just being with Sam was enough for me.

"Shit!" Ross exclaimed, throwing his controller down on the bed. "How are you so good at this?" he asked, looking at Sam with an incredulous expression.

I felt Sam's chest vibrate as he let out a chuckle at Ross's words, placing his controller down on my leg.

"Lots of practice," Sam joked, amusement evident in his tone.

"Didn't you know that's Sam's dream? To be a pro Madden player?" I asked sarcastically, looking over at my friend's look of defeat.

Ross shook his head at me. "Let's play something else. Preferably something I can smoke you in."

"Someone's a sore loser," I commented jokingly.

"I'll admit it, I am," Ross replied to which Sam laughed again.

"Let me play!" Christo exclaimed, sending a wide eyed look toward Ross. "You could probably beat me."

"He could definitely beat you," Sam countered causing Christo to punch him in the leg.

"Then I'll definitely let him play," Ross responded with a smirk, taking the controller off of my leg and handing it to Christo.

I looked at the time to see that it was almost two o'clock. I could just stay, as I was sure my mother wouldn't make me go home, but I felt bad enough for playing her so I decided it was best for me just to obey her.

"I have to go home," I announced, causing the boys to look at me.

"You can walk so Ross and I can play more games, right?" Sam asked, trying to sound serious but failing.

I rolled my eyes. "Are you leaving me for Ross?" I questioned, looking up at him.

Sam looked as if he was thinking about my question before answering with a joking glint in his eye.

"I'm thinking about it," Sam replied, not able to hold back his laughter.

"Stop," Christo warmed. "Ross is my friend now."

"Right," Ross agreed with a chuckle.

I gave my boyfriend a faux annoyed look as I stood up from the bed to put my shoes on. Sam followed me a few moments later along with Christo and Ross after pausing their game.

The four of us walked outside to the cars, Ross hopping in his own while I stood beside it with Sam in front of me as I leaned back on the car. Sam smiled down at me, the sun shining and making his skin glow from behind him, before leaning in the give me a slow kiss.

"Gross," Christo rudely commented, causing Sam to flip him off while not pulling away from me.

"I'll see you at work tomorrow," Sam said, pulling away slightly, his face still close to mine.

"See you," I replied, my mouth quirking up into a grin.

"Christo!" Ross yelled out of the window, grabbing his attention. "Why don't you just wait for me so I can smoke you in Madden when I get back?"

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