The first day of a new world

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Sebas' POV 

 Run we need to get to the roof now we need to go! I yell

It  should be safe up there. Zeba reassures 

How can we know that it's safe said Zane

Shut up! We need to hurry! Said Seena

I'm sorry said Zane 

Zane's thoughts 

oh my god what are we going to do!

What if the roof isn't safe it may be as bad as out side what if we don't make it oh god we are going to die.

Seena's POV 

We need to work to gether right now or we will definitely not make it! I yell

Sorry I am just really horrified right now. Said Zane 

It doesn't matter now let's just go we will have a better view of what is going on out side. Said Sebas

 Minutes later we were on the roof and what we saw made us freeze.

 Early that day

Sebas's POV 


I hear a familiar voice from behind me I turn to see  say what are you doing up here Zaba said 

Hey wha

No I don't care why are you here it's almost time for class. Zaba scolds

Sorry wait why are you yelling at me you're going to miss it to! I say 

No I can afford it .

Well aren't we a little condescending. I mocked 

No your grades suck let's go ok 

Ok. I say in a serious tone

As we walk to our class we can see someone  strange out side the window just bumping it to the gate over and over when we see three of staff members go confront him.

Staff's POV 

Hey this is private property!

Yes we are going to need you to leave. Other staff members says 

Sebas's POV 

Suddenly we see one of the staff grab the strange man. The man freezes one in the blink of an eye the strange man bights the staff members are. The staff member fall to the ground yelling in pain and the suddenly stop moving completely. He's dead says a staff member. How is this possible. The body suddenly began to move again are you ok? A staff member ask. Then the body attked the other two staff members.

A shit! We need to go warn everybody else! I say

Ok. says Zaba 

We run straight to our class to warn the others 

Well you made it. Says the teacher

We just saw the staff killing each other out side we need to right now! I yell

What!? Seena yells

Your just joking right sebas? Zane in a nerviest voice 

Why would I jo I try to finish my sentence as I'm cut off by the speakers 

Staff and students we are having a emergency please listen to your teachers so that they may calmly evaluate you to... oh shit please no. No! Stay back h-help help me. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

Sebas's POV 

 Every on was frozen in place when all of a sudden almost every one began to run in to the halls.

Oh shit what do we do. Screamed Zane 

We need a plan. Says Seena in her most calm voice 

We need to go somewhere we can get a better view of what's happening. I say

What!? Were is Zeba. I yelled 

I think she ran with the others. Said Seena

Why aren't we running with them! Yelled Zane 

We aren't with them because we would be trampled by a bunch of other students. Said Zeba 

I thought you were with the other students and staff? I asked 

I'm scared but I rather not be crushed to death by a bunch of idiots! She yells

So were should we go? Asked Seena

The roof! I yell

Well then let's go! Zeba yells

To be continued

Hello I am the ather of the story and I would like to thank you for reading it I am not very qualify to write but who is I would just like to say that Seena and Zeba are female  characters and Sebas and Zane are male characters and the next chapter should take place were this chapter began and if that sounds weird that please just deal with it and I will be adding more characters and if you think some of the names are weird then to bad because they are real but thank you again for read my story  and please leave comments on that story and feel free to ask any questions.

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