Sebas's POV
What the fuck was that! Zane shouts
I think it's less of what but more of who. Says Zeba
Well it doesn't matter! We have to help! I shout
What why should we!? Ask Zane
Are you really going to let someone get eaten! Steve says in a frustrated voice
Well let's go! I yell
After We give every one a weapon we make our why to the place we heard screaming.
Sebas's POV
Oh my god! I yell
We see a class mate dead on the ground and another girl with a wooden sword beating one of those things.
Who the hell is that!? I ask
That is the kendo clubs captain Lily
Wait we have kendo at this school? I say
You're a moron you know that! Zeba says
Hey no need to be mean. I say
Let's help! I yell
Seena and I run over to help lily
Seena ends up stabbing the thing in the heart to have no affect
What the hell how is this thing still alive. Seena screams
That's the thing I don't think it is! I yell
Seena is pushed to the floor and the thing is almost at her it's about to bite
Oh fuck no! I scream
I smash the things head multiple times and after the third hit is stops moving. I hug Seena and ask if she is ok
Are you ok man? I ask
Yes. She says clearly terrified
Are you guys ok. Zeba asks
Oh my god! Zane yells
Hey great gob Sebas. Steve says
We need to go. Lily
Seena's mind
Oh my god I nearly died what would of happened if- I don't even want to think about is why was Sebas so quick to help me. Is he no.
Sebas's POV
Shit we need to go! I yell
Why? lily asks
Those thing there blind but we think that they can hear and judging how killings that one went down I don't think they can feel. Zeba explains
That makes sense. Lily says
Also good job your Sebas right.
Yeah. I say
You really don't remember me do you. Lily says
No not really sorry. I say
We went to the same elementary school. Lily explains
Oh I'm sorry I have a horrible memory. I say feeling really embarrassed
Sebas have I told you how stupid you are. Zeba says
Ok sorry but we have to go.
I can help with that.
We all turn to see in a person in the corner the nurse Mis.Clementine
How? I ask
Idiot she can drive! Zeba says clearly annoyed
Well let's go. I say
Then le-Wait we're you here the hole time? I ask
Yep. Clementine answers
Well we have to go. I say well about that those thing you used to call friends are out side by the vehicles. Clementine explains
I have an Idea for how to get to the vehicles. Zeba says
Well then let's go. I say
That's the thing the plan involves......
World of the dead
AdventureWe all ran a fast as we could we mad a plan to make it to the roof it should be a lot safer there and we would have a view of what's happening but once we made it none of use could Have ever expected to see what we saw.