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Thea Stilton: Playing and Winning Life's Game
With all the love in the world, I dedicate this memoir to my three mouslets: Adien, Alexander, and Andrew. Mommy loves you guys more than anything in this world. May my stories and life be a guide for yours. May I be an inspiration for you three.


There are very few ways for me to begin. Allow me to begin by stating how grateful I am for you reading this book. I have learned that sometimes in life, we are inclined to see our problems and struggles as road blocks. However they are really key parts to our development as people.

Chapter 1: T from the block
Growing up in downtown New Mouse City was the polar opposite of a "regular" childhood. Both of my parents worked 9-5 jobs. Being the older sister (I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers), I found myself always looking out for my family. We grew up in the projects of the lower east side of Mouse Island. We never had any money. At the tender age of 4, I met my best friend to this day- Penelope. We grew up always dancing and reading. My back ground and love of books stems from my craving for traveling. I use to imagine what life was like ,beyond the projects. "You have you study and become a lawyer," said my mother. She always pushed me to study. My mother knew what education could do. "If you don't stop dancing and study, then no Penelope for 2 months," she would say as she scolded me. I hated school. I deplored the idea of math, science, etc... I always more of a creative person. When I was just 7 years old, Penelope and I found spray paint. We went back to my block where I lived, and painted a giant painting that read "Never stop dancing". I loved dance. I always remember coming home from school, putting on music, and dancing until my feet were numb. My love of music comes from my father. My father adores singers such as: Toni Braxton, Diana Ross, Xscape etc... Every morning he would blast "Ain't no mountain high enough" as we got ready for school. After my paint shenanigan, all of the neighbors called me "T from the block". I never realized how blessed I was. I had food, clothes, and the ability to get educated. I knew that my shenanigans had just begun.

Chapter 2: T for Teenager
Oh the frigid wind of teen rebellion. Once my high school year started, my parents were in for quite the rude awakening. At the age of 14 ,I started dating. I dated in secret. My parents and siblings had no clue what I was up to. Mark was my first love. He was 17. We dated for almost 2 years. "You're smile is a gift to the world," he use to say. He would bring me flowers, and kiss me during our lunch time. I thought I had my entire life planned out. He told me "I am going to be a surgeon, so you don't have to work." I was going to be a stay at home wife. I was 14.... and had the whole world figured out- WRONG! I knew nothing. After nearly 2 years of dating, he dumped me. He started dating the debate captain, Jessica Moussfuur. Little did I realize that 10 years later I would run into him again. "Mommy I have a huge crush on Grace," Aiden my oldest son would tell me excitedly. After he pointed her out in the pick up area of his day school, I heard a familiar voice. "Oh no... Thea," Mark said in his New Jersey accent. Mark is Grace's father. We laughed and caught up. Eventually he got married to my now very good friend Lucy and had two kids with her. They both live in New Mouse City. Mark and my husband are best friends. His family and my family take trips together every year. Our kids all enjoy each other, and are all great companions. Funny how that all ended up working out.

After him, I chose to take a break from dating. I found a love of all the extracurricular activities in school. It was the captain of: the yearbook staff, the drama club, Court case club, science bowl team. I also did cheerleading. Junior year is when I started to see myself in a career. I wanted to accomplish so much. I wanted to be a writer, fashion designer, and model. I started taking my life extremely seriously. High school was such a fun time. During the summer when I was 17, my friend offered me and Penelope a trip to London, England. I convinced my parents to allow me to go. Now listen, I do not condone my actions on this trip. During the trip, we all went out to dance clubs. We consumed copious amounts of alcohol. This is an example of what not to do. I spent the entire night throwing up, wishing I would have stayed away from it. Coming home, I kept the secret from my parents. I was embarrassed. I never wanted to ever get that away again- and that's why to this day I do not drink any alcohol. After my senior year, I knew I wanted a career in journalism. I loved reading and reporting. I applied and got into Mouseford Academy on Whales Island. I packed myself up, and moved away. College was amazing. I met so many mouses into the same things as me. My first year, I lived in the dorms. My roommate was from South Korea, and one of the sweetest mouses I have ever met. The classes were riveting. I was so engaged and so excited for my career to begin.

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