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Chapter 6: T for terrific dystopia
I rushed into it. I rushed into marriage. I was in the facade that marriage was the answer to my problems. Marriage was going to make me happy-WRONG. In 2012 we had a beautiful wedding. We got married on a balcony ,with all our family and friends below watching. After the honeymoon ended, Joey expressed wanting a family-something we didn't discuss while dating. When I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with infertility issues. It was near impossible for me to have kids. The doctors told me I would never be able to have kids. However, I started receiving infertility treatment. I went through IVF ,in order to increase the chances to have a baby. Almost 6 months into our marriage, Joey had issues of his own. He started going out all night, never calling to say when he was coming home, and disappearing for weeks on end. When he asked me if I was still doing IVF, I lied and said yes. I knew our marriage was in trouble, and I didn't want to bring a child into it. I lied to him. I told him that nothing was working. This was wrong of me. In a way, it just made things harder. On day I came across a video of some random mouse saying that my husband cheated on me. When I asked him, he didn't deny it. Funny, I lied to him but he didn't lie to me. I lied to protect his feelings, when he told the truth it ruined mine. After news broke in the media, I filed for a divorce. The sad thing about me filing for divorce is that when I told him that I was doing it, he didn't even bat an eye. He didn't care. He showed no emotion. That's what really killed me. I had his things moved to storage ,and moved back to my very first New Mouse City apartment. I leaned on the support of my family and friends. Penelope was always there for me. This was the most hurtful time in my life. I cried everyday. I couldn't move from my bed. I wasn't the Thea everyone knew and loved. I didn't know her anymore. I lost my way, my identity, my love of writing. I didn't know how to carry on with my life.

Chapter 7: T ties the knot
After struggling to get back on course, I got in contact with an old friend. Hans Ratson came to New Mouse City. We both started working together on a few books (they never came out). After years apart, I realized what a phenomenal man he is. He grew up. We started dating in mid 2012, and I was in heaven. I wanted to start writing again. He inspired and encouraged me to get my career back. At this point, my life was now being splashed on the cover of magazines. I went from a distinguished writer to a media starlet. The following books to come got my credit back as a writer. People now viewed me again as the successful writer- not a cover girl. In late 2012 Hans asked me to marry him. This time I knew this was real. The way he asked was so special. We were sitting at lunch, and he seemed so nervous. Now I know why! We flew our entire family to Pairs. We had so much fun! We enjoyed Paris, but Hans and I surprised our family. We flew to Italy and got married there. In the Italian gardens is where we tied the knot. We came back home, and started our lives together. And for some reason, I couldn't help but get sick every morning. I started gaining weight, and I had no clue why....

Chapter 8: T has a baby!
Having seen my doctor (the one who told me I couldn't have a baby), I found out I was indeed pregnant! This news was amazing! Hans was so involved in helping me. He built the crib, he baby proofed the house, and he made me meals. On January 21, 2013 my baby Aiden Has. Ratson entered this world. Aiden, you give me hope. Your eyes light up my world. I loved being a new mother. He was world. At the age of 25 I had a baby. I stopped working for a while. I wanted all of my attention on Aiden. I bought him the cutest clothes! We played everyday. We were the definition of a happy family. Life couldn't get better- I thought. In May of 2014 I took Aiden to Washington D.C. We loved it! He was such an amazing baby. In my heart, I knew I could still have kids. After trying so hard to have another baby, I final,y became pregnant in 2014. However it was short lived. After suffering huge stomach pain, I was told by doctors that I lost my baby. I had a miscarriage. This broke me. I lost my baby. All I kept asking was why. Why did my baby leave? Why did this happen? Why did I have to deal with infertility? Why couldn't I just have a healthy baby? I couldn't get out of bed for months. I fell into a depression. I didn't know what to do. I reverted back to what made me happy. Writing. I wrote tons of books. I got back to work. I got back to Thea. This transition does not happen fast. You have to allow yourself time to grieve. Nothing could stop me....

Chapter 9: T gets it right
After having Aiden, I went to the gym regularly. I got into the best shape. I lost all the baby weight. I started writing again. I realized that I had to keep going. I had a son to support. In the summer of 2015, my step father came out as transgender. This means that though he was born biologically a male, he identified as a female. I to this day support her. I love her unconditionally. That's what we have to do. As people, we must love unconditionally. This was hard for our family. But through love and faith we became closer. There's nothing wrong with being transgender. My step father changed his name to Belinda. After trying to have another baby for almost a year, I found out I was pregnant again! I took all the precautions. I made sure to stay healthy. In May 2016 I gave birth to my second son Alexander George Luca Ratson. My life was amazing. 2 babies! Take that doctors who told me I couldn't even have one! I took more time off to take care of my family. I kept writing. I was ready for a change. I was ready to start working on a new project. In August of 2015, Geronimo, Petunia, Bugsy, and Benjamin moved in San Mousico. This was because of the new Rodents Gazette in San Mousico. Because of Geronimo moving away, I assumed the position of Editior-in-Cheif. In late 2016, I began constructing the biggest and best edition yet.

Chapter 10: T goes all the way up
Balancing a full time career with motherhood began to become a lot. I'm the type that loves to work. I poured everything I had into the 2017 edition. Having photo shoots regularly, coming up with original concepts, and putting my best foot forward became my everyday routine. In late 2016, I found out that I was pregnant! Yes! However, my due date fell just 4 days before they release of the 2017 issue of the Rodents Gazette. Nothing was stopping me. After giving birth on Monday to Andrew, I went home on Tuesday. On Friday I was back at work- passing out the new edition. "Thea Stilton shocks the world as she delivers the best edition thus far." The headlines and news media praised the edition. It was truly a gift to be able to claim that as my biggest work (next to my babies). In the summer of 2017, my family and I started to travel more. We ventured all across Western Europe. After vacation, it's time to get back to work....

Chapter 11: T goes back to the block
Looking back on all my memories, I can't help but feel accomplished. Now at the age of 30, I can honestly say I am grateful for every event. More than anything I'm grateful for you all. Because you all believed in me (even when I didn't believe in myself), I am still standing. I'm still writing books. I'm still traveling. Thank you guys! If there's one last thing I leave you all with- it's to be tolerant and be kind. Be tolerant of others. Be kind to very single person you encounter. I can testify that tolerance and kindness will get you farthest.

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