imessage with maia (big dick energy bff)
today 12:54 amLink: MAGIC IN MALLORCA?
12:54 amUHHHHH
12:54 amIS THIS REAL ??????????
12:54 am
imessage with momma (mama bear)
4:26 am
imessage with dad (alienman)
today 4:31 amwhy didn't you tell us about your boyfriend? we would love to have him at our next family dinner
4:31 amalso don't take anything your mother says to heart. she's just a bit frazzled by this surprise
4:32 am
imessage with astrid shaw (head ass)
today 5:12 amis all this news true?? or is it just gossip?
5:12 ami just realized ur prob still sleeping so text me when u wake up
5:24 ambut ur whole fam is kinda freaking out
5:24 am
imessage with orion waters (big head)
today 5:31 amyo what the fuck is this
5:31 amare you actually dating marco asensio
5:31 amwhat the FUCK
5:32 amwhy didnt u say anything
5:32 amand i had to find out from mom blowing up my phone and sending me all these articles
5:32 amu better call me when u wake up and help me fix this mess because mom is FLIPPING out
5:33 am