The Professor

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The students stop talking,
when the professor came in to the room.
It's like they've been eaten their tongues onto their mouths.
Who else doesn't stop,if that handsome man will be in front of you.

His body was so masculine that every muscle will make you lift.
His light brown eyes was fierce but radiant,
and his metallic colored hair was dashing through his face.
He's a man of many ways...
that's why almost every woman admires him.

All girls in the class was staring at him in a malicious way.

Even Raven was looking at him but as a student who's willing to learn.

But no one notice that Peter also staring,
his eyes was fierce and it's burning inside.
Feels like he knew this guy who was going to be his professor.

"Good morning,
I'm glad to see all of you here in mythology class,
by the way I'm Sebastian Jones.
I am going to be your professor for the whole year and whether you like it or not,
I will be part of your everyday life,
well except weekends.
So let's just start
our first topic for today",
and he began to start the class.

But he notice,
that Peter was staring at him so fiercely,
but why Peter looks like that,
isn't they know each other.

" Well I guessed you know about vampires,
today our topic is about them,
how do they live?,
why do they suck blood?,
and what is their purpose in life?.
Such as questions that no one can explain,
because only them can do that".

Peter was trembling it feels like there is something bothering him,
he close his fist
while staring to Sebastian.

But Sebastian didn't notice it,
instead he continue his lesson.

"Vampires, are blood suckers,
they need blood for their pleasures and to resist their monstrous personality.
They are immortals they can live a long long time,
let me ask you all,what do you know about vampires?",
he ask as he waiting to someone who will answered.

Raven was so interested in that topic,
she wants to know more about vampires.
She really thinks that vampires are very attractive,
but did they ever exist,
that's the big question in her head.

" So anyone,who knows about the other characteristics of vampires ",
he ask again while he's eyes was pointing on Peter's way.

Raven notice the commotion between the two man,
she saw Sebastian was looking at Peter,
while Peter was staring at him so bad.

She was wondering why the two guys are heading at each other,
isn't they know one another?
That's the question she was thinking on her head...

While all of a sudden Sarah raised her hands,

" yes,can you give me one characteristics, miss...",
he said,

"Sarah Osbourne, sir",

" miss Osbourne, give me your answer ",

" they're skin are cold as ice and they have no reflection on mirrors because they have no souls",
she describe

"Well that's right cold as ice and very quick moving",
he added.

" But do they really exist?,
that's the question of many,
but I think,
they do really exist",
the bell rang and it's time to end up the class.

"See you tomorrow,"
the professor leave the room,
but he left a sharp look at Peter,
who was disgusted by him.

After class,
Raven went to the cafeteria to eat,
and she saw Peter there,
who was reading a book in the corner.

He was quietly reading the book,
it seems like nothing has happened to the class.
Because he's still calm and serene,
Raven decided to
approached Peter.
She just want to know that if he's okay,

she said quietly,
and Peter look at her,
his look was so soft and so mild,
feels like 'heaven'.

"I just want to know if your okay,
because when we're on the class,
seems like you are bothered by something.
Are you angry to professor Sebastian?",

Peter don't say a word,
instead he stood at his seat and suddenly left Raven.

Raven feels like nothing,
on what Peter did,
she really don't understand why he doing this to her.

Be left alone was the hardest thing,
and pushing you away will make your heart break.

" Hey,
what's up,I haven't met you yet,
what's your name? ".

Sarah was a friendly girl she have a lots of friends.
She was nice and a happy go lucky girl,
and willing to defend her friends from the sarcastic.
She has a wavy brown long hair,
with a twinkling black eyes,
and her skin was tan but soft as cotton.
She is sexy and adorable,
that's why many boys wants to hang up with her.

" Oh!,I'm Raven Lautner,
nice to meet you Sarah",
she said while lending a hand to Sarah,
and Sarah take her hand.

"Same to you Raven,
hope we become friends,
as in close friends,
would you like it?",
she lighten up a smile to Raven.
And so Raven can not believe,
that someone will make friends to her,
she was just became happy eventhough Peter ignored her.

Time had passed,
it was getting dark and Raven was walking alone in the streets.
She decided to walk instead of taking a ride on a bus,
but it's not easy because the manor was heading on a dark streets and she doesn't know what's waiting on her.

She remembered her ability,
seeing ghost was not normal and it was like a creepy thing.

All of a sudden,
she began to stop walking,
because she saw something weird in front of her.

It's a girl standing on a dim light street,
wearing a white dusty dress,
and it seems like rugged.
She was crying,
but only Raven can hear that noise,

" is it a ghost?",
she said so quietly,
she doesn't want to speak loud.

Suddenly the girl stops crying,
Raven was began to palpitate.
She feels so cold and she was shivering,
she doesn't know what to do.

"Why am I seeing her,who is she and what does she wants?",
questions still lingers on her mind...

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