Chapter One

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Click, click, click.

Click, click.

Click, click, click.

"Will you get a quiet keyboard!" Elsie snapped. Dixie looked up at her partner.

"Sorry." Dixie replied, as if Elsie hadn't been asking for the past nine months. Elsie sank into her seat and looked at her screen. Suspects? 12. Evidence against any of them? None.

"You found anything?" Dixie asked, peering over Elsie's shoulder.

Dixie was like a little chirpy owl. She had large tortoiseshell glasses, and her brown eyes were magnified by them. Her short, wiry brown hair was always in a little ponytail at the back of her head. She was always chosen to interview suspects. No one could feel intimidated by her, even if she was in uniform. Her small size didn't help either.

Elsie, was the exact opposite. Tall, big and proud, she could stare anyone down. She had murky hazel eyes, and shoulder length black hair. She was the definition of sexy, but never flaunted it, only ever wearing her uniform at work, and never missing a day. The most revealing thing she had ever worn was a swimsuit, at the age of six. Most of the guy officers either wanted to have sex with her, or kill her. None of them did either.

"Does it look like I've found anything?" She snapped. She didn't snap this much usually, but this was a hard case, however ridiculous it was. Honestly, there were real criminals out there, killing, stalking and raping, and they were stuck sorting out who stole a two dollar tennis ball.

"Well, you might have spotted something in the security tape that I didn't." Dixie said, miffed at Elsie's mood. She scrolled though the security footage again. As far as she could see, there was no missing tennis ball. And why the heck was the owner counting their tennis balls anyway? Maybe they just, miscounted?

"Well, as far as I can see, all the owner did was miscount." Elsie sighed. She flicked a piece of fluff of her desk. "Why are we stuck investigating tennis balls anyway?"

"At least we aren't in the waste department." She said perkily. Elsie snorted.

"What, the idiots who check shit for drugs?" When Elsie said shit, that's actually what she meant.

"Yep." Dixie nodded. Elsie flicked back through the footage. Wait- what was that outside? Something red had splattered the window suddenly. She played it in slow-motion. Yep. That was definitely blood. She zoomed in to see a blue and yellow Nike sneaker splattered with red.

"Dixie." she elbowed her in the side. "Dixie look at this."" She replayed the footage zoomed into the Nike shoe. Dixie pursed her lips and started rapidly click-clacking on her computer again.


Click, click, click, click.

Click, click.


"Stop! Seriously!" Elsie put her head in her hands. This was ridiculous!

"I'm writing to the Department of Sucide, Homocide and Mur-"

"-why don't you just write to our boss?" Elsie suggested, her head still in her hands. "And copy the message, don't type it again!" There were a few more clicks, then Dixie's laptop went silent for the first time in three hours. Elsie pulled her head out of her hands and read over the message.

Dixie Toni

Michael Thomas

suspicious tape

To Officer Michael,

I have inspected the security camera of a stolen tennis ball, and have discovered something worth investigating in the left corner. Please inspect it as soon as possible.

-Dixie Toni

Elsie frowned and edited it.

Dixie Toni

Michael Thomas

suspicious tape

To Officer Michael,

We have inspected the security camera of a stolen tennis ball, and have discovered something worth investigating in the left corner. Please inspect it as soon as possible.

-Dixie Toni and Elsie May


"You actually have to attach the video that's 'worth investigating', Dixie." Elsie rolled her eyes. At least she wouldn't be investigating 'missing' tennis balls anymore. She had another look through the footage, Dixie watching over her shoulder. She was about to press the play button, when both laptops dinged. She went into her email and opened the new massage.

Michael Thomas

Dixie Toni, Elsie May

Re: suspicious tape

Please come to my office on the third floor as soon as possible.

-Officer Michael

Dixie sat up and brushed her sandwich crumbs onto the floor. She started towards the door. Elsie looked at her message, and closed it, turning off her laptop. She never needed it in Michael's office. Then she stood up and hopped into the lift.

A/N- Hello! If you bothered to read this, thank you! Both the book and the authors note. I probably won't be updating this every day, as I have two other books I'm working on at the moment. I'll try to update as often as possible though!


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