Chapter Two

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The lift played annoying Taylor Swift music.

'Im in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night'- nothing like my typical Tuesday night, Elsie though in annoyance. She glanced at her watch.

'Im listenin' to the kinda music she doesn't like'- no. No, I don't like your music Taylor, she retorted to the elevator. A ding told her it had stopped, and the doors opened to the third floor. She scanned the room numbers. 029, no that was Mary, 030, Callum, 031, Simon, 032- ah. Michael Thomas. She walked over to the office, Dixie walking after her, struggling to keep up with her short legs. She knocked on the door, and a deep, masculine voice answered.

"Who is it?" It had sounded more like a statement that a question.

"Dixie Toni and Elsie May." Dixie trilled. Nothing scared her.

"Come in." Michael responded. Elsie pushed on the door. Then she read the sign. It said pull. She sighed, and pulled the door open.

Michael sat at his desk on his laptop. He had short brown cropped hair, and serious blue eyes. When he saw they had entered, he closed his screen.

"Officer Dixie. Officer Elsie. Sit down." He offered. Again, it sounded more like a statement. They pulled up chairs and sat.

"So. You've found this... Interesting footage, while looking for a missing tennis ball." The corners of his mouth suggested a hint of amusement. Something told Elsie he didn't think there was a missing tennis ball at all. He examined his fingernails.

"Yes, Officer Michael." Dixie said. He continued to examine his fingernails, then flicked a piece of dirt off his desk, meeting their eyes.

"I'm calling you two, Officer Laura and Officer Matthew, to investigate the case." He said. Elsie inwardly groaned. Liam was the biggest know-it-all in the history of the world, and had a bigger ego than Justin Bieber. Not to mention he was actually good at his job, so no one could put in a complaint. The only thing anyone had ever complained about was that he wore ankle socks as knee high socks. That had been Officer Sarina and Officer Laura. Honestly. She had no idea how they even got a job as police officers. They never did any work. She had a sneaking suspicion one of them had a crush on Matthew though. They were friends with Officer Sarah, who was nice enough, but never seemed to loosen up very much. She was Elsie's type of girl. Except, she hung around Laura and Sarina. Urgh. Not to mention their loony friend, Danielle. Though, if you asked her, Dani was a drug dealer, she was always that hyper. Not that Sarah really got along all that well with Dani. They sorta had a rivalry.

"Do either of you have a problem with that?" He asked, staring at them. Elsie had always felt as if he was looking into her soul when he did that.

"No, Officer." Elsie said, holding back her complaints. He was good friends with Matthew, and she was preeeety sure he was interested in Laura.

"Nope." Dixie trilled.

"Good." He said with a stern look to both. "Now go collect Matthew and Laura, and investigate the case."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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