Chapter 6:The First Day's Gambit

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Ahead of me is an ancient building with a banner written on it University Of Edinburgh. I come into an halt in front of the gate. Students sits outside on the courtyard, doing their projects, some chatting and to some lingered at the corners. My heart is pounding in my chest, and I can feel the sweat forming on my palms. I reach into my pocket for my pills, popping one to calm my nerves. Taking a deep breath, I step into the building, my hands clutching my briefcase tightly.

Walking through the campus, I keep my eyes glued to the ground, avoiding eye contact with anyone I pass by. But the buildings didn't go unnoticed. The campus is full of beautiful brick buildings with arches and ivory. It also has a few more contemporary buildings built richly. There is a lovely green quad outside of the dorms and when I walk across it, the atmosphere brought coolness, but my nerves are still on the edge. Approaching the James Clerk Maxwell building, the building of Science and Mathematics, I enter into the lobby, and pass by a group of students who paused their conversation to look at me. I try to ignore the attention, feeling uncomfortable under their gaze.

As I make my way to the reception, I see a young woman sitting behind the desk. She's dressed in a casually tailored suit, with perfect black hair and a genuine smile on her face. Despite my nerves, her warmth is welcoming.

"How can I help you?" she asks, her smile inviting.

"I, uh, I'm here for the board of studies," I stammer out, my voice barely above a whisper.

The woman furrows her brows in confusion, then her expression shifts to irritation. "Board of studies? Aren't you a student?"

I shake my head, feeling embarrassed. "No, I'm... I'm a new math professor, Jonathan Poland."

Recognition dawns on her face, and her smile returns. "Oh! You're the young mathematician! I'm so sorry, sir. Please forgive my manners." She presses a button on her desk. "You can meet the board in Room 117 on the first floor."

"T-thank you," I manage to say, offering a small smile before turning to make my way to the first floor.

Arriving on the first floor of the campus, I stride down the hallway with purpose, making a left turn into a corridor that leads straight to board room 117. The door is slightly ajar, so I push it open, stepping into the warm, inviting room. Seated around the long, wide table are all the esteemed staff members of Edinburgh University, each dressed impeccably in formal attire. Among them sits Mr. Sage, a familiar face amidst the sea of unfamiliar ones.

"There you are!" exclaims an older gentleman with a thin mustache and a crown of silver hair, as if he's been eagerly awaiting my arrival. He rises from his seat and extends his hand for a handshake. "I'm Dr. Doughall. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Jonathan Poland."

"The pleasure is mine, Dr. Doughall," I reply warmly, reciprocating the handshake. Taking my seat beside Mr. Sage, I notice a man across the table shooting me a rather unpleasant glare. I decide to brush it off for now.

"Why are you late? This isn't exactly making the best impression on your first day," Mr. Sage chides me in a whisper.

Suppressing a sigh, I shoot back with a hint of sarcasm, "Is it time for the inquisition already?"

Mr Sage throws me a glare.

"Thank you all for being here," Dr. Doughall begins, clasping his hands together. "As you're aware, we have Jonathan Poland joining us today, taking over from Professor Dickson. It's truly an honor to welcome him to our team."

Feeling Mr. Sage's elbow jab, I glance over at him, catching his funny look. Ignoring it, I turn my attention back to Dr. Doughall as he continues speaking. "I have followed Jonathan's journey of achievements. He is a young man of quite exceptional originality and power in this generation. Even Dr. Walrus Grunewald can testify to that."

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