What happened to peace?
What happened to love?
What happened to saving people?
What happened to us?
Doesn't matter if I'm crying what matters is people!
We matter!
Animals matter!
Books matter!
We all matter!
I am shocked by what our world has turned into !
This needs to stop right now!
Everyday more people die!
Everyday people do drugs!
Everyday people get abused
We need to open our eyes and see what we have done!
If you are reading this spread the word!
Help people!Lylii_S -foxcab- reecathedragon strawberrypolkadot Lil_Mochi_Yui Ayame_Tsuki inxffable FairytailxBaka violet--eyes enemarvell

Poems for the heart mind and soul
PoetryThese poems are different from each other there's love laughter