Chapter One

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Val’s P.O.V

My best friend flung her feet across my lap as we both sat on my couch, munching on popcorn and watching some stupid chick flick she picked out. I was hardly paying attention as I was scrolling through facebook on my phone, checking up on people from high school that I didn’t talk to anymore.

Diana groaned and nudged my thigh with her manicured toe, causing me to look up at her in confusion and slight irritation because she nudged the bowl of popcorn that was resting there onto the couch. “Yes?” I asked.

“This movie is boring.” She whined, throwing popcorn at me, some getting stuck in my hair.

“Well you’re the one who picked it out so don’t whine to me.” I muttered to her, rolling my eyes and turning back to my phone, where a twitter notification was waiting for me to read.

@ValerieRumors: Valerie Tomlinson was spotted going into a wig shop earlier this week. Ha, she has to wear wigs! Poor balding bitch.

I grimaced and glared at my phone. Diana noticed this and removed her feet from my lap, shifting over and glancing down at the notification. “Why were you at a wig shop, anyway?” She questioned, munching on some popcorn that she took from my bowl, which was still scattered all over the couch cushion next to me.

“I was getting a wig for the halloween party I’m going to. Jesus, I can’t do anything without being hounded! It’s like whoever is behind the account is stalking me and stalking me good. She or he or whoever doesn’t miss a second of my life.” I exclaimed, locking my phone and tossing it onto a chair that sat by me.

“Maybe they are stalking you! That would make sense, wouldn’t it? How they know so much about you. Have you noticed anyone around that you see rather often? Maybe a familiar face? Because, I don’t know about you, but I think that it’s someone you know because why else would someone do this? It’s not like a random stranger would do this.” Diana rambled as I listened intently.

“You’ve got a point, Di, but no. I haven’t seen a familiar face around me a lot. But honestly I hardly pay attention when I go out anymore. I typically just go where I need to go and then come back. I try to not give this person anymore stuff to start rumors about, but apparently no matter what I do they can think up something dirty and nasty about me.” I sighed, sitting back and rubbing my temples in an irritated fashion.

Diana placed her hand on my back and sighed, looking over at me. I glanced at her and she seemed to be thinking. Finally, she spoke. “I don’t know, Val. Lou knows, doesn’t he?”

“Yeah, of course he knows. He doesn’t know what to do either. No one does and I honestly don’t blame them. If we can’t figure out who is behind the account, how do we stop them?” I started to clean up the popcorn off the couch cushion as Diana still sat in thought.

“Well maybe we can figure out who’s behind the account. But, for now, you just have to sit back and try to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible.” Diana gave me a smile and I rolled my eyes.

“Oh yeah, definitely easy to be inconspicuous when my brother is a popstar.” I walked over, passing the chair where my phone sat to see it lighting up. “Speaking of my brother…” I paused, setting the bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table and answering my phone. “Hey, Louis.”

“Val! How have you been?” I could hear the smile in his voice as he asked the question.

“Oh, just peachy. Still dealing with rumors and not being able to leave my house without something being posted on twitter about me, but other than that I’m just great.” There was a hint of sarcasm in my tone that made Diana giggle.

I could almost see Louis rolling his eyes. “Wow, that’s so good to hear.” His sarcasm was strong and I let out a laugh. “Anyway, I was just calling because the lads and I get off tour soon and we all need a place to crash. Everyone else said no, so could we-”

I cut him off immediately. “No, absolutely not. I don’t have th-”

This time, he cut me off. “Thanks so much, lil sis!” And with that, the line went dead. I sighed loudly and Diana looked at me weirdly.

“What’s up?” She asked. “What did Lou want?”

“God, he and the boys are coming to stay here for a while when they get off tour. I have no idea when they’re gonna be here. The only thing that I know is that I need to clean this place up and get some mattresses. Wanna help?” Diana was already up and making her way toward the door.

“Huh, look at the time. I’m late for my dogs eyebrow appointment.” She was staring at her wrist, which didn’t even hold a watch, as she scurried out the door to my flat.

“Eyebrow appointment?” I called after her in confusion before it dawned on me. “Wait, you don’t even have a dog! Ugh, I hate you Diana!”

I heard her giggling as she walked through the hallway.

Valerie [Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now