Season 7 2 nd part

6 2 1

Another season gone! It was almost impossible to survive in that madhouse of season 6. As I spawn in, I gasp. So many changes! There's snow, and I see new guns I don't know about. The battle bus announcement pops up, and I wait as the count goes down. Tension rises. I know people are gulping down their anxiety and getting ready to find a good weapon. Then I'm teleported to the battle bus. I get ready to jump, but a guy dressed as DeadFire tells me, "Get the sword. The Infinity blade." I'm just about to ask what that is, when I have to jump. The DeadFire pushed me. I yell, and decide to fall to the mountain with a village covered in snow. My parachute deploys, and I steer towards the path leading up to the mountain....

The snow bites at my bare skin, and I squint; freezing snowflakes get into my eyes as I try to navigate my way to the village. I notice a beam of blue light flying into the air, and realise just in time that I'm about to crash into the roof of a house. I turn sharply, and land on the roof of the building next to it.

Funnily enough, I find an uncommon M4 assault rifle. I hear footsteps, and a pickaxe being unsheathed. Quickly, I crouch, and find the player. Firing, I get 45 damage off before the player even notices me. Then, I finish him off. Since I'm playing a solo game, he disappears, leaving a shield potion. He must have been a noob, as he didn't have any shield when I killed him. I jump to the next building, where I pick up the ammo gratefully, but leave the grey pistol. Useless weapon, that is.

I get to a building with a good sniping, spot, and aim for the beam of blue light shooting into the sky. Four people are there. Using my gun to attack, I manage to take down one guy before I see another approaching and shooting simultaneously. I shoot him down, leaving the two others to attack, but they kill each other, leaving the first one with 23 health. I shoot him down fast. As I reload, a player with a pickaxe approaches me. I curse, and leap off the building, finally, reloading my gun. I shoot, and the guy takes out his grey Tac, but I kill him. Sighing, I realise he had gotten a shot off, but only two bullets had hit me. I'm at 76 health. I drink the shield potion, steal some bandages, and hide next to the pillar of light.

Then I notice there is a sword behind me. A sword made of dark grey metal, with a hole instead of a guard. I pick it up, and my low-ammo assault rifle flies from my hands as I grip the new weapon. The Infinity Blade, it's called. Wow! I have full health plus full shield, and both are at 200! I'm impressed. This new item is very cool. I swing, and fly forward really far. What is this?! Then I whirl, and accidentally hit someone. 75 damage in one hit! This sword is overpowered! I leap far, hitting the running person, and dealing 25 damage in the hit. I kill the player. He had no shield.

Already, 6 kills! I'm rocking this battle! The Infinity Blade is overpowered and as I find another player, I attack, taking damage. My shield is at 97. Still pretty good. I take damage from a sniper, and am amazed to find my green health regenerating. It must be a side-effect from the sword. I run to hide, and run down the path of the mountain.

Escaping is my top priority. My feet crunch on the snow, leaving traces, only for them to disappear under the falling snow. Quickly, I run, and no-one notices. I run fast, and hide behind a tree, where I can see more people fighting. Too bad I don't have my gun.

Then I remember. The storm! How could I have forgotten! I look, and see it approaching. On the mini-map, I'm pretty far from the safe-zone. I run, and then boost with the sword, the run again. This technique works pretty well and I manage to get into the safe-zone without taking damage. But some-one shoots me with a sniper, taking away 87 health. I'm at 117 health, but I'm being shot. How can I survive? I boost behind a rock, where I find the player attacking me. 

Eager to get an extra kill, I whirl around, dealing 75 damage to his shield. I do it again. 50 damage to him. He tries to pick-axe me, but I kill him before he can hurt me. Slowly, I look around for more attackers, but find none. I run to the next safe-zone, but it's getting small. I need to end this. Oh wait! I'm top 5! Great. Maybe I can pull this off and actually win. It seems possible with this overpowered weapon.

I get into the safe-zone, and there are three people left. I get shot, but my health has had time to regen, so I survive with plenty to spare. I don't notice the player until my health is under 100. I boost, making it hard to hit me, and slice at him. He dies. I sigh, and wait behind a big rock for my health to go up. Once it gets over 150, I walk out, realising I'm one of two players left. If I can get this kill, which is very likely, since I'm wielding the Infinity Blade, I will have won my first Battle Royale! I'm very excited and anxious.

The Eye of the Storm will shrink soon, so I need to get to the ever smaller safe-zone. I think that the next time it shrinks, there won't be any safe-zone left, and we'll have to fight in the storm. That'll be dangerous. Since I'm wielding a melee weapon, he can shoot me and run, leaving me to perish as the storm deals damage to me.

I can't find anyone, but I do see a giant structure. And then I spot him. A DeadFire skinned guy. Oh. It's that guy who told me to get the sword. I feel a pang of regret as I realise I'll have to kill him. But I ignore it.

Stealthily, I approach him, until he's in range of a boost hit. I boost, and deal 25 damage. Shield protects him. I'm full health, but he takes out his gun as I deal another 75 damage to him. Some of it goes to green health. Good. I try to deal more damage, but he jumps out of the way. He fires, and I take 34 damage. I wince, but attack again. The swing fails, and the guy shoots twice with a faster gun. I grunt, and boost, dealing 25 damage. Quickly, I swing again, and while he's off guard, I deal the usual 75 damage, killing him.

I sigh with relief, and wait as I get carried away, back to the lobby.

Big thanks to thetrees21 for the help

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