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Kageyama and Hinata's bickering went on for far too long, and May was getting annoyed because she couldn't concentrate.

The park was virtually empty anyways, so she didn't understand why they had to practice right in front of her.

They had been trying for an hour now to get the ball out of the tree, and Maybumi was sick of listening to them.

She finally slammed her book shut, making them both turn around quickly.

She set it down beside her bag and walked over to the tree, watching them both move out of the way.

With one jump and some damn good footing she managed to scale the tree and get up on of the branches, cautiously climbing up from there.

She extended her arm and grabbed the ball, holding it to her chest before jumping down out of the branches and landing on the ground easily.

Kageyama and Hinata watched curiously as she began walking the opposite direction, with the ball still in her hands.

They trailed behind her, whispering to each other as she neared a pond a decent distance away from her bench.

She turned around and glared at the two boys before turning back to the pond and drop kicking the ball right into the center of it.

Both of their faces dropped when she turned back around and walked past them.


If they insisted on arguing with each other, at least now it would be away from her.

They spent hours trying to get the ball, neither of them being able to get close enough.

Both of them had nearly fallen into the water more than once.

As it neared dark, and the two were now just sitting by the pond and waiting for the ball to float close enough for them to grab, May wrapped up her literature session and packed up her books.

She pushed her bag on over her shoulder and headed down toward the pond, her beloved dog walking beside her.

Kageyama and Hinata both watched her as she looked at the dog, and gave a simple hand gesture.

The dog's eyes lit up as he jumped into the water and swam for the ball, clamping it's large jaws onto it tenderly to not put a hole in it.

When Hulk swam back to the bank May pointed at Kageyama who was watching her with a contorted face.

Hulk trotted over to him, dropping the ball into his hands.

Hulk sat in front of Kageyama expectantly, and Kageyama slowly raised his hand, patting the top of the dogs head.

"HOW'D YOU TRAIN HIM TO DO THAT!?" Hinata hollered. May stared at him blankly for a second before turning away to walk back toward the road.

She whistled, which was the most noise the boys had ever heard her make, and Hulk bound up to her, slowing to a soft trot beside her.

Kageyama and Hinata shared a look at they watched her walk down the sidewalk and disappear down the street.

"That dog kinda looked like you." Hinata snorted, earning a dangerous glare from Kageyama.

"Shut up, dumbass."

Silence Speaks (kageyama)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now