~ Chapter Two ~

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Jacks POV
It was finally the end of the day after endless hours of setting off fire alarms and being chased by teachers around the school. I was walking out of school when Brook caught up with me. "Hey, are you coming to mine tonight?" He asks nudging me. "I better not, my dad is already about to end me, better not add to that" I say sighing. "Y'know you can always tell someone about it" Brook says. "I can't. The only person I trust is you. Besides I don't need other people finding out about my private business. It's fine honestly, I'll just deal with it like a man." I said putting my arm round brooks shoulder. He didn't look so convinced. Yes I come across strong and brave but inside I'm starting to crumble. I can't let Brooklyn know that though, he'll worry about me. Soon enough I reached home. Brooklyn gave me an uneasy look as I was about to open the door. "Wait" he calls. "If you need me, call me okay?" I nod and smile. Brook runs up the path and gives me a tight hug. "Good luck" he whispers and walks away. I then take a deep breath and walk into my house. I've not even been in five seconds when I hear my dads loud, booming voice. "You're late!" He shouts. "What are you talking about? School finishes at half past three today." I explain but my dad is having none of it. "LIAR" He screams. Slap. "I'm not lying!" I cry. Punch. He punches me in the stomach and I fall to the floor. "AND THEN YOU DISOBEY ME THIS MORNING BUT DONT STICK AROUND TO GET YOUR PUNISHMENT!" He kicks into my side. "Please, stop" I manage to gasp. He grabs my t shirt and pulls me up. "Don't fucking cross me" he growls and pushes me into the wall and walks away. I run upstairs into my room and slam the door behind me, leaning against it. Slowly I slide down the door with my head in my hands. I start to tremble then cry. See I told you I'm not as strong as I come across. I get up and wipe my tears away. I then pull my battered phone out from my bag. I want Brooklyn. I click on my contacts list, I see Brooks name and press call. When I hear his voice I burst into tears. "Hey Jack, what's wrong?" He says softly. "Erm- can I c-come round?" I manage to say. "Ofcourse you can, I'll see you soon okay?" He says, he sounds concerned. "Yeah, okay. I love you" I say and stop and ask myself if that was too forward. "I love you too Jack." He says and the phone call ends. I smile to myself as I pack a bag. Clothes, laptop, phone, songbook and a few other bits. I throw my bag over my shoulder and slip out my window once again and walk to brooks house thinking about were to go from here. I can't keep living under the same roof as a drug user mother who only shows up every few weeks, an abusive father who beats me up for no reason and a little sister who locks herself in her room starving herself because of bullies. Where do I go from here? It feels like everyone is going to be moving on with their lives, getting jobs, starting families and I'm just going to be stuck here. I shake myself out from my daydream because I was starting to spiral in all the possibilities. I finally reach Brooks house and when he opens the door I flung my arms around him and break down in his arms. "Hey, hey it's going to okay, I promise." "I'm sorry" I whimper. "No, no don't be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for. You can stay here as long as you like. You know how much my family like you." He says which makes me smile. "I just can't bare to stay in that house any longer" I whisper. "I know, come inside lets get you cleaned up." Brook ushers me inside. It was only then I realised that I had blood all over me. My own blood.

When we get inside Brook gets a first aid kit out and sorts out my cuts. "Is it okay if I go in for a shower?" I ask while he's putting away the box. "Of course, on you go, I'll put away your things" he says smiling at me. "Thank you so much" I say walking into the bathroom.

After my shower I walk into brooks room and see that he has ordered pizza, bought tons of snacks, put Netflix on and set out matching pjs. I smile. "What's all this?" I ask. "We'll you've had such a tough time recently and you deserve a break." He says blushing. "Aw Brooky you're too cute" I laugh. We get changed into our matching pjs and jump into bed burrowing under the covers. "We look so gay right now" I laugh which makes me and Brook break into hysterical laughter. "Oh well" brooks says once we got our breath back. We put on a movie and cuddle into each other. "Thank you so much" I whisper. "It's no problem" Brook smiles and puts his arm round me. "No seriously, you're always there for me and I'm so grateful." My eyes start to fill up with tears. "Hey, don't go all soppy on me" brook laughs. "Honestly you're my best friends and I will do anything for you." He says. "Even help me hide a dead body?" I smile. "Yup" he says laughing. "Great, I'm going to need you to help me sort that out tomorrow then." I look at him seriously. Then we both crack up laughing.
We are about half way through the movie when I can feel myself drifting off into a sleep. I hear Brook pause the movie and I feel him place a gentle kiss on my forehead. I fall into a peaceful sleep and for once I think that everything is going to be okay.

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