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jaebum doesn't think of proposing to seulgi so soon until he does one night. they're in their new apartment, sitting on the floor and browsing through the netflix archives for something to watch or rewatch. it's bordering an hour long struggle, but seulgi doesn't seem close to surrendering. she's determined, tongue clamped between her teeth as she searches through multiple tags and hundreds of titles. legs sprawled, and her crossed-legged between, jaebum merely nibbles on popcorn he microwaved earlier. his back is rested on the edge of the bed, waiting for her to decide on something, anything.

bored, he picks at a plastic ring of a bear in the pocket of his joggers. got it from a kinder surprise when he was buying nails and screws for their new place. he twirls and twirls, tries to slot it onto his smallest finger but even then it doesn't fit. he gives up much easier than she does.

hair to one side and neck exposed as she's in one of his too big shirts that practically hang off her body, jaebum tries not to bother her on her mission, but he can't help but be lured to the exposure of skin. he leans to circle his arms around her waist, nuzzling his face in the crook of her shoulder. scent of lavender lotion wafts, and he smiles.

"are you done?"

seulgi sinks onto him, stretching her legs out, too. "not yet. i'm stuck between mindless action like transformers, birdbox that everyone and their mum's are talking about or the new ghostbusters remake. what do you think?"

granted that jaebum knows very well he won't be able to focus, the choice is easy. "transformers. pretty sure it's the same as the others. fighting cars and more explosions than necessary."

she laughs, confirming the movie selection, anyway. "you're mean. they're not that bad."

they get comfortable—more so when the title rolls, and the opening scene begins. jaebum still has his face nestled against her skin as she brings the bowl of popcorn to her lap. he feels every chew and swallow, times butterfly light kisses with them. in his embrace, she squirms, easily tickled.

"are you even watching?"

for a second, he actually looks at the screen. "no." then noses the slender line of her neck before planting his lips on the base, gently sucking. at least he's honest.

"but baby, it's movie night." she whines.

movie night hardly means anything to them. all it is is an excuse to keep up to date with their friends, like sooyoung and yugyeom, when they rave about the new releases on the megalodon streaming provider. most movie nights are unfinished, and neither really mind. they have better things to do on friday, anyway.

he eyes her for a second, stopping. "well, if you really want to watch it..." withdrawal is slow, his breathing still fanning onto her flesh as his hands start to recede as well.

she grabs onto his fingers before they can get any farther and loops his arms around her middle, burrowing her back to his chest. "you're supposed to put up a better fight."

laughter falls, his head thrown back. "i like to respect your wishes. but tell me..." he nudges her ear with the tip of his nose, tone low. "what do you want?"

bated breath, she chews on her lower lip. "you know, we should totally break this place in."

kissing her cheek to muffle more laughs, jaebum squeezes her tight. meanwhile, seulgi bursts to giggles and makes sure the popcorn is far enough that they won't accidentally tip it over and cause a buttery mess. the movie continues to play, robots continue to fight and explosions continue to go off where there shouldn't be any. she turns, draping her calves over a thigh of his to get a better look at him. he's smirking, cocky and victorious as she thumbs his jawline. her mouth opens to say something, but her legs feels something abnormally hard on his side.

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