Chapter III

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Chapter III
   "Hey little one. Wanna play with me?" said Y/n who were inside the little boy room. 

"Yes please. Mommy grounded me to play with my friends and I wanted to go out so badly" the little pouted about how his parents grounded him to play outside. 

"Alright kiddo. Came with me and we will play" you said friendly like. You force children to play with you and take them into the forest. The little boy excitedly went up behind you as you carry him into the woods.

"Why are we here mam?"

"This is my playground. You can climb tree, swing on there branches, pile up the leaves that fell and jump into it and there are a lot of space for us to run around chasing each other" and bring down the little boy with you. As you place him down he slowly walk towards at you side pulling your clothes getting your attention. 

"Mam.." the little boy said looking down playing with his finger. 

"Yes?" you said "..can I invite my friends?" "Well of course. The more the merrier." you said smiling and you carry the boy once more heading to his friends house.  You two both headed into the same town as the little boy pointed to the direction of his friends house. 

"Where now?" you ask as there were two way to go. Either right or left "let's go for Ethan first then Leny. Ethan leave at a white house. Let's go left." 

The little boy said and you went into the left road and found a white house. "Is this it?" the little boy soon nod. You brought the little boy down and kneel down into his level "wait here alright kiddo" you said and headed over the fence and went in. 

"Should we knock?" ask a soul who left your body.

"Of course not but you can get the boy for yourself." You can hear the soul growl but do it instead. They waren't that satisfied by there meal but just sharing the two kiddo soul for all of them and you it too. It wasn't enough for four soul sharing a soul of a little girl and boy. You waited outside leaning against a tree sharpening your knife.

- Inside the house -
"This place is huge than the cave" the soul said "Where could I go first? The top floor or the ground floor? Hmmm.. I know, I'll go to the kitchen first. Let's me see how they many food they stored" and quickly went into the kitchen opening the fridge ti see it was full of food. 

"Yummy" it said and close it. "Where next?" and continue to wondered around and stop at a door. The soul then went through and saw it was full of instrument. Guitar, Violin, Ukulele, Piono, and a drum set. 

"Cool!" going towards the violin and started playing a song. Then went to the guitar, then the Piano and lastly the drum. "Better be gentle" and softly beng the drum set. After playing the instruments the soul then went back to it's mission.    

The soul went through to every room. Soon it stop at a blue door. The soul went through the wall and change into it's human form. 

"Wakey wakey little one. It's play time" the soul whispered in the little boy ear. The kid rub his eyes tiredly. 

"Mom?" he ask quietly and turn his head to the side seeing someone else standing in his dark room. "Wh-ho are y-ou?" he ask trembling in fear. 

"Oh don't be afraid I'm here to play with you" the soul said.

"Mm-monster!!" he yelled scared. The soul then snap it's finger and the scared boy disappeared, vanish in thin air hoping no one herd his scream.

"Manners! Monster pft.. what a brat." The soul then went back to its human form and went through the window floating down beside you. 

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