Part 1 : Demon Interuptus

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Toji was in a hurry as he ran across the quad by the soccer fields. He ran as fast as his long legs could move.  Toji ignored the burn in his lungs and muscles and pushed himself farther.  He had decided to see his close friend Shin, at his debate and knew they locked the doors once it began. It was being preoccupied with this fear that he would be late and miss his friend's performance, that caused him to miss he was being chased until he rounded a corner. The predator sprang, slamming into Toji from behind knocking him into the wall.  He hit the wall hard, his head bouncing off the white painted brick and he felt a ringing in his ears.

"The fuck!?!?!" He shouted into the night, forcing himself to stay on his feet despite the growing dizziness. Throughout his time with Shin and his friends solving the hysteria mystery, Toji had fought many battles against monsters and humans like.  So surprise attacks were becoming something he was begrudgingly getting used too.  He looked in front of him and saw his attacker is David Case, his athletic rival and personal annoyance smiling at him.  There was nothing kind about that smile. He wore wet dark blue sweats from the practice he must have just left. His sun gold eyes looked like they were devouring Toji. Beads of sweat dripped down David's shaggy brown curls into his handsome, round Greek face.

"In a hurry?" David asked as he folded his muscular arms over his barrel chest. He took a step closer to Toji so they were only inches apart.  Nose to nose, at that range Toji smelled cigarettes and a copper smell on his breath as he loomed closer to him. They were both six feet tall but Toji is lean and physically weaker than David.

"I have to get to the debates before they start, I don't have time to waste with you."Toji said and turned to go and one of those thick arms was in his way a second later. He took a step the other direction and an arm was there too, pinning him in.

"Make time, he's out of your league, Oliver Twist," David said with a sneer and the insulting nickname churned the acid in Toji's gut. Ever since Toji had started eating with Shin and his friends, other upperclassmen had taken to referring to him as Oliver Twist. The name implied he was only with them to eventually lie and rob them. Normally it was something he ignored.  But recently it had begun to burn him up under the skin. He hoped that Shin didn't believe the rumors that surrounded their involvement.

"You don't know what you're talking about David." Toji said, he kicked himself mentally for responding at all and ducked under the arms.  Instantly he was on the move again. He didn't care about anything besides making sure Shin's nerves didnt get the best of him. Over the semester they had spent learning the identity of the drug dealer that drove people violently insane. He had grown closer to Shin, had told him things about himself no one knew.  There had been conflicts between them. Many, many conflicts. But he had noticed when he was around him , Shin seemed calmer. A hand like granite grabbed his wrist and pulled him back yanking him from his revelry, painfully. Toji reacted without thinking and swung at David. David ducked with a speed Toji didn't think possible and came up head butting him hard in response.  Pain exploded behind Toni's eyes from the force of the blow.  The strain on his still held wrist was agony and he felt the shocking pain amplify the dizziness from the first blow to the head.

"I told you nicely to make time for me, now listen before I get nasty," David said pulling Toji close in a forceful embrace. They were almost nose to nose again beneath the lights of the academic building. Anyone who could see the two men would of assumed it was lovers' moment.

"I... Don't. ...Have time for this," Toji exclaimed and spun as best he could with the short distance and brought his elbow up against the chin of the football player. The grip on his wrist released and Toji began to run again. David rubbed his chin and tasted his own blood. He watched the young man run.  His golden eyes clouded with his intentions.  There was so many things David wanted to do the man he desired. Before he peeled back the skin and licked the exposed muscle and sinew and let him die.  His olive tanned skin lost all color as he allowed the hold on his inner nature to lessen.  It was like exhaling, as he shed the human form for his demonic one. Long Ram like horns grew on either side of his head. They tore through the skin and hair with small explosions of blood. His cheeks hallowed as his mouth and nose grew out into a snout.  Jagged sharp fangs tore through his gums, pushing out his human teeth. The pain never lessened as he transformed. He reared back his head and growled, arms extended as he stretched to now seven feet. He was an alabaster colored Minotaur with eyes as red as rubies.

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