Part 2 : Fall Out Boy

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Toji sat in the front row dripping wet from the quick splashes of water he had used to wash his face and hoped the grass stains on his best white shirt would not be too noticeable. He had placed his head beneath the fan that dried wet hands. It had hurt due to the bruises on his face but he wanted too look his best. His wild black hair had cooperated to a point but there were still cowlicks. On either side of him upperclassman looked at him with disdain and he waved back weakly. All Saint's University is an Ivy League college filled with the children of millionaires and scientists. He himself had tested into the school and paid for it out of his own pocket and scholarships from many donors. Before becoming a part of Shin's friend circle he had not been aware of the social caste system the school had. He looked back and saw other students in his situation standing in the back. They were happy to be there and he could tell they hadn't expected to get a seat. All the seats had gone to the more affluent students. The feeling of being out of place in the lecture hall fell away as Kate stepped out to the wooden podium and announced the debate rules.

She announced the opposing school first and Toji gritted his teeth at the sight of Helen. A tall, golden skinned Thai girl with large almond eyes and full lips. She always looked as beautiful as any runway model. Tonight she wore a smart business suit, tailored for her taut body down to the bullet gray pencil skirt. She had done everything she could to steal Shin from him. He felt his face flush with rage, he told himself to ignore it. The memory of her deliberately pointing out his scuffed shoes, the holes in his favorite shirt. The things she had said about his friends. When she had placed her hand on Shin's  in front of him and talking like a damsel to be saved. But giving him smug looks when Shin wasn't looking. All those memories and the feelings they created burned in him. He was here to support Shin he told himself. Toji pushes away those memories and the loss of ten thousand dollars he had turned down by cancelling the job to be here.  With a sigh he listened to Shin's name being called out.

When Shin walked out he felt the rage turn to a different feeling. Butterflies danced in his stomach and he sat up straighter. Shin had worn the clothes he had chosen for him. He and Tomo had taken Shin to shops and turned down many of his choices in favor of simple clothes. Shin looked worried and as he said his full name he looked over the crowd before his eyes met Toji's. For a moment it was like they were the only two in the hall. They held each other's gaze for a long moment. Toji blushed scarlet and raised his hands in thumbs up. He mouthed "You got this Beanpole," and Shin smiled at the nonsense that was just Toji. He wondered if Toji thought of it like a sport spectacle. The upperclassmen looked at each other in confusion and then at Toji with curiosity and jealousy. The Kinomoto's are a very prominent family, and quite a few of the classmates had tried to marry into the family. But Shin is naive and didn't notice or care for any of them.

Kate had to stifle her laugh at her friends antics and started the debate. Helen tried first to play the part of an innocent young girl with her voice. She leaned forward and placed a hand over her bosom. The males in the audience paid closer attention. Shin volleyed back steady strong tones as he undercut her points on the best use of stimulus capital. The city of Avalon had begun to fall from its golden age of financial success. For years they had a strong commercial success. But the loss of financial stability had caused many jobs to outsource to other countries for cheaper work. Effectively ending many people's way of life.

"Our Government should be a caring entity to those displaced by the recent economic shift. It should set up programs to care for the families who can not care for themselves. Help people find work, create new jobs. We have the means why not..." Shin started and was cut off by a tsk sound Helen made into her microphone. She made a face of disgust and spoke coldly back without being given permission.

"Why is it that an emotional plea is being made for people to sacrifice for those who can not help themselves. We have the means yes, to better our own financial situation. We can improve roads, schools, create jobs yes. But not give them away like golden tickets to people who instead of helping themselves have turned to lives of crime and depravity. The Red Lantern district is a thriving example. People sell their lives for money. They sell themselves for money. A dollar earned, is the saying. Courier's for instance cause more structure damage to our city every day and who has to pay for it? The buildings and other public property damage created by this black market mail system in which clearly able bodied citizens choose to live outside the law for their own personal profit." She concluded looking directly at Toji. He felt like he had been slapped. Quickly he looked at Shin, who stood very still and quiet. Those eyes had that faraway look while his Cupid bow lips were set in a straight line. He knew him long enough to see beyond the demeanor of ice prince.

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