¡! graduation Day¡! *2 days later*
Aubrey Pov;
''Aub!wake up sweetie! its graduation day!'' My mom screeched up the stairs.
"fuck you im sleeping. sleep is-" I cut myself off knowing im getting in trouble for cursing.
'damn you brain'
'it was ur mouth not me'
oi! fuck off'
this is normal to have conversations with my brain like this.
'im up. im up! be right down'
I looked at my phone and the time read 4:28.
"WHAAAT!! WHY DIDNT ANY BODY WAKE MR UP?" I yelled running down stairs.
'we wanted you to have as much beauty sleep as possible. you need alot of it!" Trevor said.
"yet you look just like me?" I replied in a sarcastic tone.
«»time skip«»
Aubrey pov:
'all you have to do is put make up on and leave Aubrey. you can do this.your alright.then just walk up on stage and shake a hand or two and walk off. you can do this'
'you're right.I can do this'
I was wearing a gorgeous strapless whiye dress that went aboutmid thigh. {http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimg1.simplydresses.com%2F_img%2FSDPRODUCTS%2F921654%2F1000%2FMT_MD_5533_white_20122606_124057.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.simplydresses.com%2Fdresses%2Fdress_by_event%2Fgraduation&h=1666&w=999&tbnid=_kQqCKuDpl_YkM%3A&zoom=1&q=graduation%20dresses&docid=9ekUNwJ1abaLHM&ei=sUP9U63fDKXnsATvsYLoCw&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-metropcs-us&ved=0CCUQMygBMAE&iact=rc&uact=3&page=1&start=0&ndsp=9}
I put my makeup on. then my robe and car. off I go. this is it.I'm graduating school!
Falling for my brothers bestfriend?
FanfictionAubrey is normal, except for who her brother is. Trevor Moran is Aubrey's younger brother. Aubrey is 18 and has to stay the whole summer at the o2l house. shit will go down when Aubrey falls... She falls pretty hard too(; read about Aubrey and her...