Chapter One

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Everyone (student wise) had already left school except me and Yujin. We had to stay after for extra credit in math since we had a 68 in that class. Once we were done with the extra credit assignment, we walked separate ways to our lockers since they were in different directions.

"Boo!" Yujin yelled as I closed my locker, making me yelp in surprise. "Yah! Yujin-ah! Do that one more time and I'll kill you!" I threaten her with a glare. She just died in laughter before wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "You're annoying, you know that?" I glance at her while walking to the schools exit. "Oh shush, you know you love me" She wiggled her eyebrows at me with a playful smirk on her face. I roll my eyes once again, "You wish" I look away from her and walk through the exit with her arm still wrapped around my shoulder. "Stop denying your love for meh!" She whined before pulling me closer to her. Our cheeks colliding together.

"You act like a 2 year old" I sigh and pull away my face from hers. But not removing her arm since I have to admit, it was comfortable. "And you don't, but whatever, also, let's go to the movies, it's been awhile since we watched a movie" She suggested as we walk to our apartment. "Oh, sure, when though? And what movie?" I asked while taking my keys out my pocket. "Let's watch Escape Room! And how bout on Saturday?" I nod my head in approval of the date and movie as I unlocked the door. "Sounds good to me" I smile as I push the door open, making her pull her arm away.

"Awesome, want to come to my place, since you're mom still hasn't come home yet?" She asked as she leaned against the railing of the stairs. "She's not coming home till 7 am tomorrow, so I might as well stay at your place" I said with a small sheepish smile. "Oh hell yeah! A sleepover!" She cheered with a huge smile on her face before grabbing my hand, pulling me to her apartment door. Making me chuckle softly and grip her hand firmly.

We made it to her apartment door and got inside. She lets go of my hand as we walk inside her room. I threw my bag aside of her door and she put hers in her closet. "My mom told me that someone rented out the last vacant apartment. Which is on the last floor. Also that the lady has a daughter!" Yujin exclaimed with a smile as she sat on her bed. "Oh? Maybe she's around our age" I said as I sat next to her on her on the bed and taking off my shoes. "Maybe, but we cant get too excited since she might be like a two year-old" Yujin laughed lightly at her own words as she laid back onto her bed. I laughed along and nod. "True, and we might have to babysit her" I add you on to her sentence as I laid down beside her.

"Aw man I didn't think of that" She whined like a child before hugging my side. "I don't think I can't handle taking care of another kid" I said jokingly with a smile as I petted her head gently. "Oh shut up" she looked up at me and stuck her tongue out at me. I just rolled my eyes with the smile still on my face. She rested her head on my chest and slowly began falling asleep, making me chuckle softly at how child-like she was. I pulled a blanket over us and soon fell asleep with her in my arms.

STAN IZ*ONE (*cough cough* and Loona *cough cough*)

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