Part 7

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      "These are cake and cookie ingredients..." You frown at the list.

"Is that a bad thing?" He inquires.

"I get the impression I'll be the one overlooking the baking... Just like last time they tried making something." You sigh, putting up the list as you jog beside him on his bike.

"Like when they covered the kitchen in flour?" He guesses.

"Exactly what I was thinking about." You nod.

"That was a mess. It's probably best if you're there." He says.

"You're right.." You grumble.

"At least it'll taste better since you're there." He hums, making you huff in slight embarrassment, scratching your cheek.

First You both stop to eat at a sushi bar before going to get the ingredients on the list. "It's getting late..." He mutters and you look toward the setting sun.

"Maybe we should split up to do this?" You look back at the list.

"They should be in the same store though." He points out, peering at you.

"I meant in the store Shinsou." You chuckle lightly. "Why would you think I meant different stores?" You peer back at him. He rubs his neck with a small frown.

"I'm not sure..." He looks away.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You ask him lightly. He doesn't answer, making you frown and touch his back. What to do... "Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" You smile a bit, tilting your head as you watch his face. He pauses, pink dusting his cheeks as he looks at you. "You have a nice smile too." You add. He blinks, catching on to what you're doing before smiling.

"Couldn't think of your own?" He huffs, putting a hand over your face.

"I just wanted to see if it works on you too. And it does, you got kinda pink there for a moment." You tease, moving his hand away to give him a smile. He meets your gaze before looking away sheepishly.

"It's not something I hear often." He points out.

"Oh... I'll just have to tell you more often then." You grin.

"No." He covers your face at that, chuckling lightly.

"Why not? It's my truth." You giggle, breaking free. He presses his lips together, giving you a half-hearted and embarrassed glare. "... That is so cute." You breathe. His lip curls before he hugs your head.

"Stop it..." He grumbles while you giggle in amusement. He sighs as your giggling fades, and peers at you, being met with a big smile. "You have us both distracted now."

"I just wanted to see you smile though." You pout. His eyes soften, lips pulling up in a small smile as he chuckles lightly. "There it is. We can go now." You hum pulling away. You pause, for a moment forgetting your objective until he takes your hand and pulls you toward the store.

"This way." He breathes when you look to him. He was looking ahead with a small smile. You smile a bit yourself looking at your hand in his.

"___! Shinsou!" A familiar voice calls, making you both pause. You look back as Stun appears, waving at you both cheerfully.

"Uncle!" You gasp, running to greet him with a hug. "What are you doing here?"

Smile ~ Hitoshi Shinsou X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now