White Rabbit

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The two of them snuck out incognito around the dark hour of 1 in the morning. Ryan leading the way out of the back door of the house and into the pine woods that were directly behind the house. Ryan gingerly lifting up the rusted metal latch that was attached to the old fence of his house. Andy, wanting to minimize the creaking noise of the fence gate; placed his hand over the top of the durable fence post, attempting to muffle the sound as much as possible. After the two boys had successfully pried open the gate they quickly made their way through the gate and into the congested forest that was filled to the brim with all the answers they had been looking for.

Earlier that day Andy had texted Ryan asking him if they could meet up at Ryan's house to discuss what they were going to do about the white note that Andy had received just earlier that afternoon. The two of them decided to make a list of all the places where they thought the net item would be, the first place was the cemetery.

Ryan's house happened to be just behind the legendary 'haunted' forest of the cemetery. The forest surrounded the cemetery, with its sky-high pine trees. It was almost impossible to navigate your way through the forests unless you've been through it several times. The enterprising young Andy and Ryan used to sneak into the forest whenever they were sent outdoors because their antics got too crazy. But because Ryan lived right behind the forest he got to go out and explore the forest on his own time, so he had memorized the layout of the forest as a young child. That being said Ryan nor Andy had been inside the mythical forest in years, and the forest is harder to navigate at night. But the two decided to proceed into the forest just like they did when they were wanton kids.

Ryan led the way into the forest with Andy trailing behind him. Inside the forest were the remnants from the kids who weren't very frugal with their trash, on the ground lay a glut of garbage ranging from soda cans to McDonald's sandwich wrappers. Andy took the time to notice these things because Ryan was leading Andy in all crazy directions, he would veer in one direction or the other without warning. At one point Ryan had the two of them walking obliquely in various directions. After walking aimlessly for about half an hour Ryan came to an abrupt halt and avowed that the two of them were lost.

"That's fantastic, you're such a great navigator," Andy bantered.

"Wow," Ryan said, "way to invalidate my wonderful navigational skills."

"I'm sorry," Andy started "if it wasn't for your outstanding navigational skills that I venerate so highly, we wouldn't be lost in the first place."

"You have a good point."

After the two boys gave each other bountiful amounts of banter they heard a loud


The boys snapped their eyes to each other as if they were asking each other if they had made the sound that had them on high alert. Both the boys looked around them trying to find the source of which the sound came from. The tension in the air was so thick one could slice through it with a knife. It was at this exact moment when an albino bunny rabbit hopped out from behind a small sized bush. The albino rabbit, which is so rarely seen around this part of Minnesota, was drenched in a dark substance which appeared to be blood. The rabbit looked as if it had been maimed by some sort of vehicle or large animal. There were many signs of detriment all around the part of the forest where the boys were standing that they hadn't noticed till that very moment. All around them was remains of animals, broken glass and many dead plants.

"I don't think this was a good idea," Ryan said, "this is giving me bad vibes."

"Well, I hope whatever was happening here left a long time ago."

After Andy said that the boys heard a low growl coming from behind Andy.

"Yeah," Ryan said, "I don't think whatever it was has left."

The albino bunny looked deep into Andy's eyes and bolted in the other direction leaving a small trail of blood behind. This was when Andy knew they were in for some trouble.

so weclome to part two of my story. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. i'm sorry my uploads are slow I just have a lot of stuff going on, nothing to serious just a lot xD. let me know is theres any problems or errors in this part.




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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