•Part 1•

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"Steve was running his normal route. At his normal time. In his normal attire for that time of year. Yet there was something that felt abnormal that morning. Every time he passed a particular bush in his spree, he always felt the urge to go towards it. Since Steve is a guy that is very anal, and needs to keep thing on track, he didn't fulfill this urge until his last lap. On his last lap, it was like two sides of him were competing against each other. One telling him "no Steve...it's only going to end in a disaster," and the other completely contradicting that statement, and saying "go for it Steve...something...or rather someone...needs you."
That was it. That contradicting side is what pushed him to go off track, and search through the bushes. It didn't take him long to spot it. And when I say it, I mean me!
That was the day my father, Steve Rogers, found me. He found ten month old me lying in the bushes unconscious, and a head with blood gushing out of it violently.
Turns out, my biological parents were working for HYRDA, and when they found out that they wanted me, they decided the best thing for me was to kill me. I know...how weird. Your parents fuck for years just to have you, and then once they do, they kill you. Uggggghhh what a fucking shame. You know I find it odd that you know my dad. I guess you could say that both sides of my dad were right that day. I did need him, but it also ended in disaster, just a lot later than expected. You probably know him better than me. I've only known him for about 8 years. I'm Y/N by the way. It's nice to meet you. What's your name?"
"That was a fucking long ass story kid. You talk a lot. You probably learned that from Steve. What a punk."
"That doesn't answer my question. Who are you? What is your name? How do you know my dad?"
"We worked together. We lived together. We were best friends. And my name is Bucky."
"Oh, cool."
"How old are you kid?"
It took y/n a minute, and then she looked at her arm.
"I'm seventeen."
"What'd ya look at your arm there for kid?"
She showed him. There were marks all up and down her arm, scars. She was keeping track of how long she's been in there, and it tore at Bucky's heart to know that they had her from such a young age.
"Sorry kid"
"It's fine. It's not like you could do anything to change it now."
"You are honestly the bluntest person that I have ever met."
"I used to get that a lot when I was younger."
"What do ya say we get outta here kid?"
Y/n looked up from her hands that she was picking at, and she showed a genuine smile. She hasn't felt one of those in almost ten years. And damn did it feel good.
"Yea? Okay kid let's get outta here. Tonight."
"Do you even have a plan?"
"No need"
Y/n was confused at that. She figured to beat a smart cult, you have to be smarter than their asses.
"Do ya trust me kid"
She hesitated, and that worried Bucky. He thought he'd lose his teammate just because he didn't have a fucking plan.
"Yea...a friend of my dad's is a friend of mine."
"Okay. Get some rest kid. We're gonna need every bit of your strength to get through tonight."
Bucky couldn't sleep though. He knew it was wrong, but somehow in those twenty minutes of them talking, he started to grow feelings for the young Rogers. He had to find a way to stop that feeling, and quick. He thought for hours upon hours about how they were going to make a break for it that night. When the time came, he woke y/n up.
"Hey kid, it's time. The guards are messing around right now, and they won't be on look out."
Y/n stood up, and looked at Bucky with the slightest blush on her face, thanking Thor she just woke up so it looked like it was because of her sleep.
"Okay" was all Bucky got back in response.
"Okay then, let's do this thing kid."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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