Tik tok on the clock. Tik Tik Tik Tok. The silver pendulum swung back and forth, back and forth dependable as always. Where was the mystery? Where was the mishap? The grand old machine continued its feat with perfect accuracy, never stopping never stopping. Surrounding the practical and predictable old clock was something quite unusual in contrast. It was nothing like the grandfather of time, his hands placed on order and exactness. This was different. The wild curls sprouted from her head, living roots sucking the nutrients from her skull. Bright eyes darting, following the fly on the wall, the breeze in the curtains. Time watched her with patience, knowing that he would take his hold on her one day. Predictability young one he whispered as the seconds ticked on. Her bright eyes looked at time and smiled, convinced that she could defeat its cold hands, as so many thought before her. “I’m going away to play now”, she sneered at the clock. Tiny red shoes left the room, leaving time alone for a little while longer. Yet time is patient, and time isn’t kind. The grand pendulum will swing on, and it won’t stop.Even for you darling. Tik tok on the clock. Tik Tik Tik Tok.