By Deya's Grace

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A/N: Because I have been called out on this for another songfic elsewhere,  I would just like to say very specifically that I have Jayhan's full permission to use her lyrics in this song.

The death toll was beyond comprehension. Among those Trolls present many were clustered around the bodies of friends, forever stone, or huddled together in silence when there were no bodies left behind.

/Heaven cries for the Brave

For the many souls we failed to save/

Thunder rumbled in the sky, threatening rain as if in agreement with the sentiment. The murmur of Trollish funeral rites was an undercurrent to the impending storm, the fallen valiant being named perhaps for the last time.

/Skies are tearing their holy veil

Tears are shed for the dead we now hail/

The weight of recent battles, each more intense than the last, hung heavy on the air and on the shoulders of those left behind including one who walked among them: Deya, the Trollhunter. She knew then all by name, both the living and the dead, valiant Trolls all.

/Heaven cries for the Brave

For the Warriors no tyrant could enslave/

She knew they were tired. Knew they had suffered. The war had exacted a price from everyone, herself concluded. Yet with every gaze she met Deya saw determination. For their families, for their futures, none of those who followed her were giving up.

/We now rise to the Call

For if we relent, our people shall fall/

Slowly she climbed up a nearby ridge and looked out over the night-shrouded land. Across from where they huddled she saw an dark force awaiting orders to attack.

And she saw their terrible leader, Gunmar the Black, standing as if watching her in return. There was no question that they knew of one another's location, or would permit quarter. Tonight would be the final battle.

Descending back into the vale, Deya moved among her warriors. She touched a shoulder here, said a few words. And the encouragement she offered stoked their inner flames, reminding them of hope and their cause.

/Misery ends today

On the Eve of Judgement Day

Glory is ours

To reclaim/

As they were preparing behind her Deya once more ascended the rise to look across at her foe. As she climbed she thoughts turned to all those Trollhunters and great heroes of Troll history come before her, entreating their strength be given to her. And as she stood upright she indeed felt powerful and confident even as she stared Gunmar down.

/Called upon spirits past

My light is meant to last

Your reign will

perish in my name/

Defiantly Deya drew Daylight from her back and pointed it at Gunmar, challenging him without words.

/Tyrant, you are not fierce

Your armor, my blade will pierce

Dawn will come and split the sky

To my battle cry/

Focused on the foe before her, Deya felt more than saw her warriors join her on the ridge as she lowered her blade to rest it's point on the stone. Across from them the Gumm-Gumm army clustered behind the Warlord, roars rising in a show of force and intimidation. Her warriors answered back without hesitation, their voices echoing in the night in a deafening wave!

/You will hear my people roar/

With each cry they gave, with each passing moment that Deya held Gunmar's gaze, one thing was made clear: Gunmar had lost his greatest weapon in the war to date.

/We are afraid no more/

Deya lifted Daylight again, holding it before herself and looking at its mirror-like surface. Reflected back she saw herself, and backing her those who had come before and had since entered the Void Between Worlds. She offered one final plea to their spirits:

/"Power be mine - "/

And she thrust the weapon into the air, shouting her battlecry to herald the final charge:

/"Daylight Shine!"/

By Deya's GraceWhere stories live. Discover now