Chapter 1

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Yoona's POV

Wuuhhhh look how beautiful the sky is today. I can't believe I'm finally back home in South Korea for good. At first I didn't want to return home. I missed my friends and lifestyle but my dad and bestfriend Tiana convinced me to move back. It's not like I haven't been back at all, those secret trips I've had back without my dad knowing were just for business only. My dad is Bang si-hyuk, apparently well known but I'm not quite sure what he's been upto. We are quite well off. He owns a bought me a beautiful penthouse suite above a company called BigHit, funny thing is he likes to be called Hitman Bang but I just call him appa. He's been wanting me to help him out with his company but I have no interest in anything else but producing music.

Well me and my bestfriend are currently being escorted through Incheon International airport by my appa's assistant towards our car. Until I bump into someone ' Oopps sorry about that' I looked up to see a girl who looks to be in her school uniform. 'Its alright' and without anything else to say she runs away hurriedly. 'Hmmmm I wonder what's happening over there Yoona? ' Tiana who was currently trailing me was pointing at a group of loud girls.

As we neared the exit the screams got louder and there were many reporters. 'Let's go see Yoona'. I didnt want to bother, I just wanted to go see my new home and get a some rest. 'Its probably nothing Tee, I'm tired I wanna go home and rest.' Seeing as she was tired also she decided to let it go.

As we hopped in the car our driver told us that it was because a popular idol group was arriving back in Korea today that it was really busy with many cars. I think he said BTS.

We were driving for about 40mins and then we entered an underground parking garage for a big building. 'Huh ahjussi where are we?' The driver chuckled and said that we have reached our destination. 'I don't understand Yoona, didn't your dad buy you a penthouse suite? Why are we here at a what looks like a corporate building?'
'I'm not sure Tee. Ahjussi are you sure this is the right address?'
'Yes I'm sure. Your father owns this building.'
'Jinja !! OMG Yoona!! Your father owns this massive building'.
As I look dumbfounded at the driver I realised something.
'Ok ahjussi I understand, but why did you bring us to where he works. He said we would have dinner after me and Tiana have gotten some rest and have settled in'.
My dads assistant who was sitting quietly that whole time finally speaks up ' You and Tiana will live on the top 2 levels of this building. Your father has renovated and designed it to fit your needs. And you have a rooftop pool and garden area closed off from any workers or public'.
Right now me and Tee are just staring at the back of his head dumbfounded. Now I'm really excited to see my new home.

We get escorted into the building. I'm not used to all this attention. I'm wondering how high up my father is. Its abit uncomfortable, but I'm going to adjust. I mean, anyone would love to have this much attention right? ...Wrong I cant get used to this.

As we walk into the lobby there are many workers with photo Id's hanging around their necks. There is alot of security and overall looks like a typical building for business. The only thing difference is that there are many young people wearing stylish comfy clothes.
'Ooohh Yoona look at all these people. To think that all these people work for your dad is amazing'.

As we enter the lift we ride it to the very last level. Apparently its restricted so we had to use our newly specially made cards to scan inside the elevator for us to access that area.  As we step out we see just one door. 'I'm sooo excited Yoona, hurry ppali ppali open it'. We finally open our door and ... 'aaaaaahhhhh woooooowww it looks amazing'
'I know, well done appa' I say as I look around. It's like a dream house.
We rush to check out every room. We walk into the first room and scream together,
'Waahhhh who are you?'
'How did you get in?'
'Get out !!!!' We both scream at each other while Tee looks on frightened.
We hear running and screaming from more people running down the downs.
'Hyung! Hyung! Jin hyung!'
As 6 more boys come running down to help this Jin. Questions being unanswered. Until we hear a loud bang as someone walks in through the front door.
'Appa!!! I run towards my dad whom I haven't seen in a long time. 'Help, who are these boys?'. Right then I turn and see all boys shocked and bowing their greetings to my dad.
'Yoona meet BTS'
'BTS meet Yoona, my daughter'
'From now on you will all be living together until further notice'
'Ehhhh appa waeyo who are these boys?'
'They are the biggest boy band in the world right now'.
Me and Tee just look right at each other with our mouths dropped. Living with 7 famous boy band members in a restricted penthouse suite. Well this could get interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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