The Mystery

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“Yes, you were unconscious for hours before I found you and you woke up.” she replied. 

“When was the last you saw me?  How many hours was I out?” he asked anxiously. 

“About seven hours, three before I found you and four after.” she said. 

“Seven hours!  You’re joking right!? I really wasn't out for that long was I?” he exclaimed. 

“You were in a coma like state. What’s the last thing you remember seeing?” she asked. 

“The last thing I remember…was your voice yelling at me to wake up!” he said.

“You don't remember anything before that? Seeing anything, hearing anything?” she asked.

“I really don't remember.  Everything is fuzzy and thinking about it makes my head ache.” he said tiredly.

“Ok, rest for a little while. I'm going down to the cafeteria.  Do you want anything from there?” she asked. 

Slowly turning his head to look at Adriana, Nylan said “No, I’ll eat when I get out of the hospital.” 

Nodding she replied. “Ok, I’ll be back in fifteen minutes, get some rest.”

The next morning, after being released from the hospital, while Adriana was helping Nylan into the jeep, he asked her if they could go back to where he had passed out. Not knowing if it was the best thing to do, but not wanting to upset Nylan she cautiously agreed.  Upon arriving near the spot, they got out of the jeep and walked to the area that she had found him.  Looking around and musing to himself out loud he said “That cactus…I remember it…and there was this strange creature here as well.”

Glancing around her Adriana asked “Strange creature…what do you mean by strange creature?’

Bending down to look closer at the ground Nylan replied “Well, it looked like a horse, but it had wings…and look here!  There are hoof prints right here!  Adriana, I don’t believe what I experienced was all a dream.”

Gazing on the hoof print Adriana doubtfully said “Many things can happed to a person experiencing heatstroke.  Are you sure it wasn’t your imagination, or possibly a mirage?”

“Adriana!” Nylan shouted at her “Don’t you see the hoof print?  It’s right there!  I am not imagining it at all!  It’s not like some wild horse came up to me just because he felt the need to get to know me!”

Sorry for having upset Nylan Adriana thought of something else and said while watching a ground squirrel scurry in front of them “Wait, do you remember any wolves being around?  I heard some but didn’t see any, and I think I remember seeing prints by you when I found you.”

A/N: sorry its short. i need more ideas any will be greatly appreciated :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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