chapter five

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From: My Jaebongi

>> are you busy?

Seulgi read the message, and then looked around her room. She wasn't that busy, just doing some art, but her hair was a mess and she was barefaced. Usually, she doesn't care much, or at all really, but she and Jaebum are entering that second month of 'dating' and she still feels like a giddy school girl who always has to look good in front of her crush.

To: My Jaebongi

<< no, not at all

The FaceTime call doesn't come as too much surprise, but it does take Seulgi a few rings to answer. When she does finally accept the call, she's propped her phone on her desk, and has put her hair in a messy bun. As the connection stabilizes, Seulgi can't help but smile. Jaebum's running his hand through his hair repeatedly, mussing it up more than fixing it. "How was your game?" she begins, "I'm sorry I couldn't make it." She wanted to be there, but Yerim caught a stomach bug and their father was too caught up at work to take her to the doctor, so Seulgi had to.

"It's fine, Seulgi. We did win, yes, and I did wish that you were there, but Yerim comes first. How is she?"

"Better, there's not really any medicine she can take for a stomach bug... she has to just let it pass. She's sleeping now, and my dad's going to stay with her tomorrow."

"I'm glad to hear that she's okay... and that you're okay too, because you actually drove somewhere!" Jaebum teases.

"Yah! I'm a careful driver!"

"A careful driver doesn't mean you're a good driver."

"Yes it does!"

"No, it doesn't. You just need more practice; I can help you."

"Aw... you're willing to get into a car with me behind the wheel?"

"Yerim has done it, so maybe I can too." Jaebum states, "Do you have any plans tomorrow?"  

"Besides school? No, not really."

"Now you do, you're going to spend it with me!"

"I am?"

"Yeah, I want to buy something for Yerim, since she's not feeling well, and you can help me pick it out."

"That's really sweet of you, Jaebum."

"I've grown fond of the squirt."

They video chat for another hour, not really talking about much, but also not wanting to just end the conversation. Seulgi did show off what she was working on, and it made her happy that Jaebum liked it so much, and was so supportive.

At school the next day, Seulgi found Jaebum waiting for her at her locker. She walked over, and was immediately pulled into a hug. "Did you miss me?" She teased.

"It was kind of weird not having to pick you up this morning." Jaebum admitted, "did you drive yourself?"

"No, my dad dropped me off." Seulgi opened her locker, putting her things away. She jumped slightly, when Jaebum came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her in a back hug, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Excited for today? We can even visit that café you like for some cake and coffee."

"Are you trying to woo me, Im Jaebum?" Seulgi teases, playfully nudging him, though it only made him tighten his hold on her.

"I don't know... is it working?"

"Maybe." She flirts back, turning her head and finding him close. So close, it would take the slightest movement before she'd be kissing him. It's crazy to think how she kissed him in a panic two months ago, and now, under the pretense of's so hard to do.

to you, the boy i lovedWhere stories live. Discover now