The One Where There's a Misunderstanding and Then a Wedding

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Anon asked: “Cole or David imangine where he proposes please?”


I’m too tired to give you a note in the beginning. :o


The One Where There’s a Misunderstanding and Then a Wedding


Cole had been distant lately. You two were open and honest with each other about everything--there were no secrets between you two. Until now, at least. It all started a few weeks ago when you two were lying in bed together just talking about your future and where you saw yourselves in a few years.

“With you, obviously,” you giggled, poking his nose. He hummed, leaning in a little closer to nuzzle both of your noses together, the purest smile on his face that you hardly ever saw--only on days like this where both of you had off of work and the rent was paid and there was nothing else to worry about but each other.

“With me, huh?” he repeated in that tone that meant he wanted you to elaborate. It was the same one he used when you told him he did a good job after a show and he didn’t want to seem like he was fishing for compliments. You nodded again, lacing you and Cole’s fingers together.

“Yeah. With you...married. Maybe a kid. Or a cat, depending on how the band is going,” you smile, but Cole just stared at you like he was realizing something. “Babe?” Cole blinked, starting to move away and you frowned. “Hey, where are you--”

“Sorry--I have to call Will, I just remembered something important,” he said quickly as he shuffled off of the bed. “Band stuff, I’ll tell you about it later. Love you!” he said and then the door was shut.


Everything was different after that. When you hung out with the guys, they all gave you looks and were uncharacteristically quiet around you. Cole was hanging out with Alex more--almost more than you, it seemed. The weird part was, Gabe didn’t seem to mind that much even though Gabe was definitely the jealous type. It was strange, hurtful even, when Cole and Alex would sit there whispering little things to each other giggling, then looking at you for a moment before quickly looking away. He was your boyfriend though and he was Gabe’s best friend. You loved him and he could never hurt you. You hoped.


You had come home for your lunch break one day, setting your purse down and walking over to the fridge to grab a salad when you heard Cole’s voice. Frowning, you moved towards the bedroom slowly, not sure why. It was just strange. Cole had said he’d be recording all day. The door was open and you looked inside, seeing Cole on his phone, back to the door.

He sighed then said, “Okay, Alex...So. I love you a lot. And you’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever met in my life. You’re completely perfect and I love kissing you and holding you and loving you...” he laughed then and you saw his head fall and you just knew he was doing that cute little blush thing. “No, she doesn’t mean anything to me,” he laughed and your eyes widened, tears forming in them as Cole turned around to see you, lips parting as he froze. “I’ll call you back...” he said, hanging up. You glared and quickly turned around, heading for the door. “Wait--(Y/N), stop!” he called, rushing after you and taking your hand to stop you.

“Get off of me! I can’t even look at you!” you shouted, voice cracking as tears broke.

“Just hold on, that wasn’t what you think-”

“Oh really?” you pulled your hand away and take a few steps back to give you distance. “And I’m guessing all those little ‘friendly outings’ with Alex weren’t anything either! All of the secrets and how distracted you’ve been--it’s all her, isn’t  it?” Cole shook his head quickly, reaching out to touch your arm, but you took another step back.

“It’s not what you think-”

“The guys know too, don’t they? That’s why they’ve been so quiet around me!”

“Yeah, the guys know, but it’s not that--”

“What kind of sick person tells all his friends and then fucking laughs about it?”

“Alright, sweetie, I need you to calm down and let me talk-”

“No, let me talk; I’m not going to stick around a cheater!”

“(Y/N)!” Cole said harshly and it made you pause. You’d only heard Cole’s voice that harsh a handful of times and the shock factor made you silent. His face quickly melted into the softer caring one you were used to and he looked you right in the eye. “I am not cheating on you with Alex. She’s been helping me with something. Her and Will are the only two people that are actually good at this kind of stuff and I wanted to do it sooner, but I had to wait until I could talk to your dad in person--”

“Cole, this isn’t explaining anything,” you said crossing your arms impatiently. He nodded quickly like knew your time was precious and that he was an inconvenience and it was so awful to think this man was even capable of hurting you.

“Alex said, ‘pretend I’m her’ so I could get down what I wanted to say. Look, we know we’ve been spending a lot of time together and that you might not be completely comfortable with that so she was just pretending like you were getting jealous of her and asked, ‘do you have feelings for Alex.’ Thats why I said all that, okay?” You looked up at him and then down at the ground, feeling a little embarrassed for thinking Cole would break your heart.

“I still don’t get it...” You mumbled to the floor. Why was Cole doing all this? talking to Alex and and apparently Will too. Talking to your dad.

“Well...I was going to take you out someplace nice, look kinda pretty after you cry,” he said, then his face twisted in a confused frown after the words came out. “Not in the weird way, but I mean like--”

“Cole,” you said, stopping him and taking a step forward. “You’re...sweet.” You sighed, unable to look him in the eye. You wanted all your answers first.

“Okay...hold on, just keep looking pretty right there for a sec,” he said, reaching in his pocket and getting on one knee. Your eyes widened again as he held the box up and you felt your heart drop in your chest when it was opened. “(Y/N), would you make sure all of Alex and Will’s pre-proposal wedding planning isn’t in vain?” You were in shock, staring down at your gorgeous, perfectly sweet soon to be fiance and all you could manage to squeak out was,

“Will told you to say that, didn’t he?” Cole blushed a little, nodding and it was the perfect picture of him looking up at you with a ring in his hands. “Alex wants to be the maid of honor?” You asked, already considering what church you two would be wed in.

“Yeah but it’s going to be hard for her to do that if you don’t freaking say yes already,“ Cole said, rolling his eyes.

You took a deep breath, looking down at Cole. You wanted this moment to last. His eyes were glinting with anticipation and eventually you just couldn’t keep him waiting anymore. He looked like he was ready to jump out of his skin.



This is long and I am tired. I kinda feel like this wasn’t what you wanted, sorry. I just went with what my heart was telling me to write.

I should listen to my heartless.

Someone else made that joke before me, I don’t take credit for it.

Someone else made IM5 before me, I don’t take credit for this story either.

I’m gonna go to bed I hope you like this un beta’d thing I wrote.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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