Tags 3

19 2 10

Got tagged by ffoodie! (they're awesome btw)

1. Do you have a crush/significant other?

*firmly shakes head*

2. Who is your closest friend?

I have two really close friends...

3. How many people on Wattpad do you know IRL?


4. Who could you trust the most on Wattpad?

ShadowElfMage and KhaestSteel

5. Favorite Celebrity?

Probably Misha Collins

6. Do I know the person who tagged me in real life?


7. Do I trust the person who tagged me with my life?

Well they're an awesome person, but I don't usually trust people I've never actually met with my life...(still love you tho)

8. How old are you?


9. Have you planned on writing any books?

I'm working on drafting my first actual book (that's not a fan fiction) right now

10. Favorite book series?

That's like choosing my favorite CHILD how could I POSSIBLY answer that??!?!?!

11. One fact about yourself

Um...well, I have nine siblings, how's that?

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Have fun my dudes

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