(DRARRY) I Think I'd Better Leave Right Now

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A/N: Hiiii! This is the first of my Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and Marauders characters, feel free to request a ship or xreader oneshot. There are some people or ships that I won't write for, and probably won't write smut, but if you want to know who I'll write for then just ask. This is probably angsty but idk how good I am at writing angst so yeah, the song at the top was sorta the inspiration for this. There is some swearing btw. Also possible trigger warnings because there's homophobia from multiple characters and Draco is pretty much kicked out of his home because his homophobic father. This was pretty upsetting to write, just a warning. sip_sip_that_tae, who requested drarry. There will be a part 2.

Draco's father had been the main role model in his life, even if he wasn't a very good one. Lucius was homophobic. So when Draco started to fall in love with the one and only Harry Potter, he was terrified. 6 months later and Draco was head-over-heels in love with Harry, and they'd been dating for almost 4 months. Harry didn't have parents to meet and Draco would probably never be ready for his boyfriend to meet the family, especially as his boyfriend was the one who had defeated 'He Who Must Not Be Named', who his parents had worked for and worshipped. Draco was content was where their relationship was, and when he'd asked, Harry had agreed with him. Harry had also agreed to meet Draco in Hogsmead for a date that weekend.

Harry saw his boyfriend slouched against the wall of Honeydukes, where they'd planned to meet. "Hey, there, luv." Harry greeted the blond haired boy, pecking him on the lips softly.
"Hey, babe. Ready to go?"
"Sure." Draco grabbed his hand hand tugged him towards The Three Broomsticks, before ordering butterbeers for both of them (I had one of those as a kid, i didn't like it but I wonder if I would now?), Harry's favourite, he knew. Harry sat quietly, watching the people in the pub, occasionally looking at his boyfriend, making sure he was okay, and seeing Dean and Seamus huddled closely in a booth in the corner, grinned and waved at them. Draco sat at the table, his shoulder and leg touching Harry's. "Here you are, luv."
"Thanks, Dray." (as a short for Draco, idk about that but I've heard its a thing people do).
"Anything for y-" Draco was cut off by Pansy Parkinson sitting opposite them on their little table.
"Hi, Draco. How are you doing? Just thought I'd check in on you for your father, I wonder what he'd think about this." she said, her voice quiet and malicious.
"Draco, what does she mean?" Harry turns to his boyfriend, shocked (shook more like).
"Nothing, she's just bitter that I rejected her, even though I made it clear I wasn't into women." Draco told the Gryffindor, side-eyeing the hell out of Pansy. "My father is homophobic, though, that's why I didn't want you meeting my parents. Finished your drink, babe? I think we should leave right now. Don't need this toxic shit, I get enough of it at home."
"Okay, luv. Let's go." Hand in hand, they walk the deserted lane back to the castle.

Draco sees a flash of long platinum blond hair as they enter through the Great Hall, rather surprised, he notes the look of contempt as his father looks at Draco, Harry, then Draco again and finally the held hands between them. "Father." Draco mutters coldly. "What a surprise. Why are you here?"
"I've heard, from a rather reliable source, that you two have been getting very cosy lately. I have to say Draco, I'm very disappointed in you. I've tried to raise you well, and this is how you repay me? I'm ashamed of you." Lucius Malfoy snarls.
"There is nothing wrong with me, you git! You didn't raise me well, you raised me with trust issues, and as a snob, and with pain. Harry helped me through that, he respects me for who I am and want to be, he cares about me, he sees the best in me and he doesn't try and manipulate me! You are a bad father so don't you dare try and tell me that!" He screams at his father, so blinded by rage, he doesn't see Harry tearing up beside him.
"You little... How dare you! After all I've done for you!" Lucius storms out. As does Draco, holding back tears, running away from his father, Harry and everything that just happened.

Harry hurries through the corridors looking for his beloved. He comes to an empty classroom and hears a sobbing from within. Before he can enter, Peeves bobs out through the wall, muttering what sounds like 'touchy touchy'
"Sod off, you ghosty git." Harry says to the poltergeist, as the spirit whizzes away. He pushes the door of the classroom open with a soft "Draco?". When no one reply but the sobbing grows louder, Harry pushes the door fully open. "Draco, I know you probably want some time alone, but I just want to make sure that your alright."
"Of course I'm not alright, Harry. My father, the person I've been trying to make proud for all of my life, has pretty much just disowned me, and called me a disappointment. Do you think I'm all right?!" Draco looks at him incredulous and angry. Looking startled and bemused, his heart heavy and sad, but full of love too, Harry stares at him, Draco only really ever called him by his actually name before their relationship and early on.
"Look I'm sorry. I just wanted to know how you're doing."
"I think you'd better leave right now, Harry. I don't have time for this bullshit. Thank you for your concern, now go." when the messy haired Gryffindor doesn't move Draco yells at him. As Harry exits the classroom, Draco hears him whisper something.

"I think I better leave right now. Before I fall right now. I think I better leave right now. I'm feeling weaker and weaker."

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