Woman Up!

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Fandom: Marvel

Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings: none

Request: This is a prompt from a writing challenge ("Woman up." From Big Hero 6 when Go-Go tells Hiro to "woman up" and kicks booty.) So go check that out on their page !

Word Count: 900

A/N: I read the prompt, watched the scene and then wrote this and realized i didn't follow the prompt that well but i used the quote so...half points. Also, this is my first time writing for Peter so if you want more of him...Request more :) I should also mention this sort of takes place in Infinity wartime but it's spoiler free!


You tightened the straps on your thighs, holding your guns firmly in place. You put a second elastic around your ponytail to secure it in place and braided it so no strands would get in your face, your hair was long enough it could function as a whip if needed. Although with a combination of your guns, magic and basic hand to hand training there would never be a scenario where you would have to resort to your own hair as a weapon.

You zipped the front of your suit right up to your neck and double checked that your earpiece was taped down securely.

For this specific mission, well you wouldn't really call defending earth from Thanos a typical mission but it was organized like any other mission, you were all divided into teams, you were fighting as one but you had small teams to make sure everyone's weaknesses were covered and strengths were heightened.

On your team was you of course with healing capabilities, assassin training and an entire arsenal strapped to your thigh and back. Spiderman who had his strengths but his weakness was his age, although only a year younger than you he was still new to this, so Tony always paired the two of you. Your healing combined with his already good self-healing abilities made sure he would always make it home safe and sound.

Your team also consisted of Thor, Hawkeye, Valkyrie and Falcon, as much as they hated to admit it Falcon and Hawkeye made the best pair since Sam could fly Clint to where ever he needed to be and then Thor and Valkyrie were a force to be reckoned with when together.

"Team 7, everyone here on the line?" Hawkeye said loudly into your ear making you fix the volume.

"Team 7? Don't you mean Team Falcon?" Sam responded.

"We are not being called Team Falcon." You heard Valkyrie groan.

"We are called team 7 and we are keeping it that way to make sure there is no confusion, we have been over this. Now is everyone here?" Hawkeye clarified, he usually wasn't so strict but he was made the leader of your team, making him responsible for all of you.

"Here." Everyone said in unison except Sam who waited until everyone was done. "I'm here, on Team Falcon, but I'm here."

You could picture the frustrated look on Hawkeyes face and the amused smile on Thor's.

"Hello?" Peter tried to speak through but it came out all crackly, you chuckled to yourself and walked over to him.

"You know for a tech genius you'd think you would know how to switch the channel on an earpiece." You teased and reached up to his ear, his face close to yours you could hear the hitch in his breath from your proximity. You turned the small dial and locked it in place to your team's channel and then backed away.

"I could have fixed it." He said, frowning when he heard the other team members chuckle in his ear.

"Of course you could have, but it's better when I fix it because I'm smarter so it's more precise."

"How can it not be precise?" He argued, genuine confusion on his face, his head was foggy with worry and stress, you could tell he wasn't thinking clearly.

"I don't know Mr. tunes in between two channels at once and then gets confused." You laughed and Sam was quick to join in on the teasing. "That's a new nickname."

"Oh, come on that's way too long for a nickname." Peter tried to protest but just dug his grave deeper.

"That's true I'm gonna stick with Mr. Blushes every time Y/N-" Sam tried to tease but was quickly interrupted at the mention of your name.

"Okay! Okay can we stop, this is serious stuff, guys." He yelled over Sam's nickname for him and you smiled when you realized it had something to do with him and your name and blushing.

"Peter is right, we have to take this seriously, the world is literally in our hands, well not literally, literally I have several guns in my hands but you get what I mean." You tried to take the attention off Peter.

"I don't have any guns, I have webs, this is gonna suck," Peter said frowning again.

"Spider you don't need guns; your powers are on the inside." Thor tried to console him through the earpiece from wherever he happened to be.

"Yeah says the God of Thunder. I don't have Thunder I just have -"

"You have very cool Webs that you made yourself, you perfected them. Know your strengths." You encouraged him.

"Yeah about as perfect as webs can get." He continued complaining.

"Stop whining and Woman Up!" You said running out of ways to cheer him up.

"Hell Yeah!" You heard Valkyrie cheer through your earpiece.

"Yes Woman are very strong, use your inner Woman, Spider!" Thor joined in.

"I don't have an inner woman," Peter mumbled, mostly to himself.

"You don't have a woman period." Sam barely said without laughing.

"Team 7 stop messing around, let's meet up at our van, we are going to transport," Hawkeye ordered.

You took Peters hand and walked towards where all the vans were parked, he blushed and looked at your hand and then to you.

"No need to worry Peter, you have me." You smiled and let go of his hand to jump into your seat in the van, leaving a befuddled Peter standing outside the van.

"Look at his red face, living up to your nickname I see." Sam laughed and patted Peter on the back as he passed him to get into the van.

Peter looked defeated as he climbed into his seat. "Which nickname?"

Sam opened his mouth, with a wide smile about to say the exact nickname he got interrupted saying earlier but Peter jumped in his seat.

"Don't say it!"

"You asked, Mr. Blushes whenever Y/n is around," Sam said super-fast, as Hawkeye got in and quickly changed the topic, giving Peter no chance to explain himself. His red cheeks did all the talking anyway.

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