| a 2 am adventure |

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You know it's not fun waking up to hear the Mii channel theme song playing on a broken recorder at 2 in the morning.

"The hell do you want," my voice was hoarse and held obvious irritation.

"I'm bored."

"Well I'm not. I was sleeping damn fine before you called," I grumbled out and rolled onto my back. Even though those words left my lips, we both knew I would prefer to talk to her than sleep.

"Well too bad. Get up and put your converse on. We're doing something."

I finally looked at the time and my eyes widened slightly but I still continued to pull myself up with groans.

"At 2 in the morning?" I could practically hear her shrug.

"Yeah. It'll be more fun cause it's an ungodly hour"

"There's a reason it's an ungodly hour child. What kind of logic is that" I grumbled out again and stretched before holding my phone between my head and shoulder as I grabbed my shoes.

"It's my logic. Now hurry up cause I'm almost there." Of course she's almost here, she lives not even 7 minutes away. Once I was done putting on my shoes I carefully sneaked out through the window. I pulled my hood up as I rushed to the front of my house where I saw her car peacefully sitting there.

"You're lucky I love you, "I mumbled as I practically threw myself into the seat to wake myself up.

"I know," a soft laugh escaped her lips and she started to drive away.

"So where are we going?" I finally asked.

"Don't worry about it,"

"I swear if we're riding around with no destination I will jump out of the car and walk home." I deadpanned. She gave me a look that said she believed and yet didn't believe me.

"I have a destination thank you very much. Come on, I know better than to wake you up with no purpose," she gave me another look and I instantly started to defend myself.

"Okay to be fair that was freshman year and it was only 4 in the morning so I knew you would be able to go back to sleep," I let my shoulders fall since they had risen while I spoke.

"No excuse. You called me for no reason other than to annoy me. You even called the wrong phone at first, I mean seriously. If anything this is karma." she let out a scoff and took a left turn. It had been about 15 minutes but it felt like 8 since we were just talking about anything and everything.

"We're here."

"Finally." I looked out the window and only saw the woods.

"Ugh, I don't think exploring the forest at 2:30 in the morning is a good idea.." I hesitantly opened the car door and she let out a soft laugh. Our voices became just above a whisper since we didn't want to be the ones to break the peaceful silence. It felt almost like a rule. If everything around you is quiet and peaceful don't break it. Except when you're with your friends and you're all talking and then just stop. Then you can be that one person that everyone glares at when they say, "awkward silence".

"We're not exploring the woods." She locked the car and confidently walked towards the woods.

"You know your mysterious side is typically fun, but I don't want it showing right now," I said it in a normal voice but still quiet. I heard her laugh in front of me yet even though it wasn't quiet it still didn't disrupt the peace. We continued walking through the forest and even though I joked about how it was a bad idea I truly did love the forest when it's dark. It's just so alluring. The best way to describe the forest at 2 am is when people say that dangerous things are beautiful. Everything is quiet and slightly eerie but exciting. We finally made it to a clearing and I sighed in content as I looked up at the stars. I finally recognized the area and looked at her with wide eyes.

"This is what the Cliche Area looks like at night?" amazement clearly shown in my eyes and question.

"Yep-well wait. No, technically this is what it looks like in the morning when it's dark. Still lives up to its name though," she sat down with a light groan like a 57 year old mom.

"Yeah," I agreed and gently rolled my eyes as I sat down next to her. Eventually, we both were laying down and staring at the sky as we talked about anything that came to mind. Weird thoughts cross both our minds since we were both tired and delirious but we shared them out loud and laughed until our stomachs ached. I sighed as I started to relax again after another laughing fit.

"Thanks for waking me up at 2 in the morning," I said with a soft laugh and smile as I turned my head towards her lightly.

"Of course. I figured we both could use some excitement right now."

"True," I said with a sigh.

"You know I'm really lucky." I started but she shook her head and was about to disagree when I cut her off.

"No don't you dare. Let me finish. I really am lucky because I have the best, best friend on the planet. You have been there for me for everything and you've never complained or left me through it all. Thank you for all these memories and talks. These laughs and smiles. You make me happy so easily. And I know that seems like something you would say to your boyfriend or girlfriend but it's not just for those people. You make me happy like no other. You understand me more than I understand myself honestly. You're actually the best, best friend not only that I could ever have, but also that anyone could have. Yet somehow I'm the lucky one that got you," A soft smile rested on my lips as I sat up. She then scoffed and sat up as well.

"Well trust me, I'm extremely lucky too. But unlike you, I'm not sappy. So I'll make it short and sweet. You're the absolute best and you also make me smile like no other. You're an amazing person to be around and I could easily continue complimenting you but I think it's best that we start to head out cause it's already 4:23," she finished up and had a smile on her lips as well. She got up first and complained about her knee as she helped me up.

Yes, we both act like old women.

We started walking through the forest again but picked up the pace when we realized that her dad woke up at 5 for work. We quickly got in the car and she drove home faster than she did driving to the cliche area. Yes, we named the clearing the Cliche Area. In our defense, it looks exactly like something from a book. An open area in the shape of a circle with perfect green grass and a clear view of the sky and a cliff not too far in front of it to sit and look at. Plus, we can perfectly see the sky and the sun during sunrise. It's one of the most cliche spots we've ever seen. She finally got to my house and I turned and smiled at her.

"Thanks for waking me up. I appreciate this mini-adventure," I smiled as I opened the door knowing she was in a bit of a rush.

"Yeah of course. Thanks for not hanging up on me," she let out a little laugh as did I. The lack of sleep was finally showing itself.

"Well, I'm up for more 2 am adventures if you are,"

"Always. Things are always a bit more fun when there are limits. It makes things more exciting, or make things seem dangerous even" and with that, she drove off.


So I'm thinking about making this a little series of adventures between two best friends. Some will be dangerous, others will be fun, and some might even be sad. You never know \_('_' )_/
Thing's are just always different in the early am.

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