1| We're Going Shopping

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(Monday, June 24)

Luna's POV

Morning's were never my thing, but of course my brother, Felix, didn't care about that. And the fact that it was 6 A.M. didn't make it any better.

What was he even doing so early in the morning and what was he being so loud for?

I pulled the blanket over my head, trying to block the sound that came from his room but it was no help. I slammed the blanket back on the bed and got up to go to Felix. I knocked on his door but no sound except the one coming from him being loud.

"Felix open your god damn door", I said trying to be as silent as possible trying not to wake up the rest, even though Felix was already being super loud. I knocked again. "Felix!"

He didn't bother answering so I just went inside not caring if I woke up anyone now. "It's six in the fucking morning, why are you so loud and why are you even awake?" I said, half dead of sleeplessness.

"Hush, I'm playing", he said, not even looking at me. He was too focused on his PlayStation. Amazing.

"You should hush. People are actually trying to sleep. You're not the only one living in the house", I said.

"Yeah but you're the only one in this house making a fuss out of it. Go back to sleep", he said.

He knew exactly how to work on my nerves. He was younger than me and yet his mouth was bigger than a elephant. Without any warning I threw a pillow from the bed in his face, making his headphones fall from his head.

"Keep your voice low or I swear I'll fucki-"

"Hi Luna."

Oh no, not again. This is embarrassing.

"Chan?" I said confused, desperately hoping it wasn't him even though I damn well knew it was.

"Yup, it's me", he said from the sound that came from Felix's PlayStation.

I turned to Felix who was quickly picking up his headphones, that were unplugged now, so that he could play further but whilst doing that I could hear him chuckling.

He knew what was going on and I didn't like it. He knew I had a crush on Chan and he enjoyed it every time I embarrassed myself in front of him. And it would happen quite a lot.

Chan has seen every state of me from being heartbroken to happy to even being sick. I have embarrassed myself a lot in front of him, like he has seen me cry over stupid things or see me fall right in front of him because I would get a little too nervous when he was around. He didn't notice of course and probably just thinks of me as a clumsy girl.

I have liked him for a while now but I never actually told him or anyone besides Felix and Tiffany, my best friend. Yes Felix and I would fight all the time but in the end he was my younger brother and only sibling, we did literally almost everything together.

Felix would tease me all the time about my crush but we were able to have a proper conversation about my feelings towards Chan. He was able empathise with me but never actually tried setting us up, nor did I ask him to. It was jut something I did from a distance. I didn't mind liking him from a distance, we had interaction and small talks and those were enough for me.

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