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It was weird, really.

You didn't think of it when you and your mind collectively decided on endlessly and unconditionally loving and supporting him with all of your heart and soul with no motives of having it returned until you suddenly got it back in full force.

It was quick, too.

Sure, it had been quite a few years but you really had no intentions of throwing that boomerang and hoping for it to come back.

It was a blur, a quick stir of time when the boomerang had decided to come back and hit you square in the face.


Because of those damned eyes. Because, shit, you'd recognise those anywhere.

Be it the crowd at an airport or the parade of a festival.

And it was also a blur when you were standing there in the middle of the damn cafe and you had forgotten how to breathe and he was standing up and then suddenly all you could feel was the hot, lingering press of his lips and—

"What the fuck are you doing here?" is the first thing you manage to wheeze out as he pulls back, but your voice is too weak and it's too shallow to be taken offence of.

"I'd ask you the same thing."

But, it isn't as quick when you stumble backwards with weak knees, struck with shock as you take your time to comprehend the fact that Mr Apparently Attractive Anon who stands with your shoulders held between his large hands is none other than Min Yoongi himself.

Shit, you really would recognise those eyes anywhere.

"Yoongi," you say, breathless, and you really fucking wonder if you're actually still here because your mind seems to have thrown itself out of everything conscious and sane and beyond whatever extent you thought you had loved him.

Because Yoongi. Yoongi really is there. Waiting. Patient. Lovestruck.

Jimin was definitely not joking around when he said you'd love your blind date.

"Yoongi," you say, voice softer this time. "What are you doing here, Yoongi?"

Yoongi grins then. "Waiting."

"For what?"

"For my food because I'm hungry and you took too long to come here. Now come on."

"You took my first kiss, Yoongi."

"T'was an accident."

"Mm. Even threw the chair back and ran. Were you that desperate, Yoongi?"

"Was not."

"Blushed like an idiot."

"Did not."

"Teared up the moment you saw me."

Yoongi laughs with his shoulders and groans, a small, annoyingly lovesick sound, and then he's shoving a whole fucking leaf of lettuce into his mouth, trying to cover up his embarrassment noisily.

"Can't hear you. Too busy loving food," he says with his mouth full and you giggle lovingly before pressing a small peck to his stuffed cheek.

"God, I love you," you declare for the nth time that day, turning towards your neglected bowl of soup, snapping your chopsticks to pick a piece of chicken floating around in the broth.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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