Mon'el No!

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I woke up and looked to my side to see Mon'el asleep I smiled and stared at him. Then he opens his eyes and stared at me we both finally got up and changed. Mon'el started to cook breakfast and I sat at the table. I stared at the ground thinking about everything and the new villain. Mon'el put a plate down in front of my and one where he was going to sit. I grabbed my fork and started to eat the waffles. After a few minutes of awkward silence Mon'el said, " So hows work?" I faked a smile and said, " It's good..." Then he asks me a question, " So umm has Lena forgiven you yet?" I look down at my food and quietly say, "No..." He walks over to me lifts my face up and says, " Hey don't worry she'll come around shes just... confused." I nod and we kiss. When we pull away my I check the time and say, "I have to go to work Mon'el, bye I love you!" He sighs and says, " Love you too.." I walk to work and sit at my desk. James comes over and says, " Hey Kara how are you?"I look up at him and while faking a smile I say, " I'm fine." • A few hours later• I hear Alex through my comms and she says, " Kara go to your loft now we think Mon'el is in trouble." I immediately rush to the elevator and go to an empty ally. I look around and don't see anyone so I change into my super suit and fly to my loft. When I get through the window I see Mon'el on the floor with a lead knife in his stomach and I see the lady from the fire and she flies out the window. I rush to Mon'el and say, " Alex get the medical team ready I'm on my way she hurt Mon'el.." I flew him to the D.E.O and the medical team took him. I looked through the glass window watched them work on Mon'el while tying to hold back my tears. Alex walked up to me and hugged me. "He'll be okay Kara, I promise." I nod and a tear falls down my face. 

Hey everyone sorry friend for the short chapter..

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