Chapter 11: Same as Always

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Taina POV




    I didn't realize the car ride would've been so right with me added into the mix. There I was, squished in between Jeon Jungkook, the youngest member of BTS, and Jung Hoseok, the main dancer. Both very attractive men. I could feel jungkook's eyes staring a hole into my shoulder. I turn to face his red blushed face.
    "I-I'm sorry Tai. It's just that I'm a a r-really big fan of your work, and I j-just wanted t-to express t-that." Jungkook stutters our, covering his face with his hand. I laugh at the cuteness the younger has.
    "Really? I'm flattered Jungkook. Thank you. What song?" I ask back, and he's ecstatic.
    "Literally all of them! But if I had to choose a favorite it would have to be "I Wish I Knew." it just brought so much inspiration to me. And of course my hyungs are inspirations too, but really Tai, your lyrics are genius." Now it was my turn to blush.
    "Really jungkook. Just call me Taina." I laugh out. There it is again. The sparkle in his eyes when he hears my response.
    "Okay Taina noona!" Jungkook yells out a bit too loudly. Taina notices Namjoon's glaring eyes towards the youngest thought the rear view mirror. Jungkook swings his feet back and forth happily. Namjoon scoffs.
    "Jungkook. Isn't your boyfriend sitting like right in front of you?" Namjoon asks with a dark tone. Jungkook looks towards the sleeping Taehyung sitting right in front of him.
    "Well yeah. But Tae also likes Tai's- I mean Taina noona's music right Taetae?" Jungkook explains to which Taehyung nods at the correct fact. Namjoon turns back to original position, and I can't help but think he was jealous.

    In all honesty you could probably see right through Namjoon. He showed his feelings straightforwardly, so you would always know when he was sad, or mad, happy, or like now, jealous. And the thought of it made me smirk in satisfaction.

    After what seemed like forever of smelling men's cologne and getting it all over me, we finally had reached the concert.
    "Ugh!" I yelled out when we got out of the car. "Finally our of that freaking box." I said while stretching. Namjoon laughs at my remark.
    "Same as always." Is all he says before were pulled away from BTS' screaming fans, and into the concert.

.    .    .

    It's busy. There are workers running around, trying to set up for the concert, while the stylists are trying their best to help the members.
    "How could we be done one? She didn't tell us she was sick?" The director complains into the phone. Namjoon looks at Yoongi who is without a stylist.
    "YoungLee noona passed out this morning apparently. She's really sick." Yoongi explains. I immediately sprung up and grabbed him an outfit. Yoongi looks confused but goes with it anyways. The guys couldn't care less, it was around 5 minutes to stage time, and the man couldn't do make up for his life.

    I got to work, making the makeup my first priority. "2 minutes!" The stage crew calls, and I finish his make up. He smiles towards me, thanks me, and the boys go up to perform. I am pushed to the side of the stage, where I can watch them. The music starts up,

"WAITING FOR YOU ANPANMAN!" Taehyung yells and poses in a superhero pose. I laugh realizing the lyrics. I remember when I was younger I used to watch the show all the time with Kaitlyn.
Namjoon's turn to rap came up. I felt my cheeks heat up when he looks in my direction, winking playfully.

I was just....


The end of Anpanman came, and the boys ran off of the stage to change. The next song was Fake Love. I ran to get Yoongi's clothes when a stylist stopped me. She handed me a different outfit.
"One of the members requested for you to help them instead. I got Suga." She said, and ran without saying another word. I took the outfit and came back to the dressing room. And the only member with no stylist, was none other than Kim Namjoon. He waves over to me and smirks. Of course this was his doing. Now that I gave him a chance to prove himself, he just had to rub it in.
    I threw the outfit into his face. Sweat dripping down his face I started to feel bad for the boys. After one song, they already seemed exhausted. Their choreography was hard as shit.


Other than

Jeon Jungkook.

He was practically jumping around in excitement. He didn't seem tired at all. Namjoon notices my confusion.
    "We call him muscle pig for a reason." He explains. I laugh at the remark he makes. There were a few minutes before the next song. 

There was a knock on the door.

"Ma'am, there's someone outside who says she knows you. And she's here for Yoongi as well." A set worker says sliding her head into the door. I make a weird face. Who would I know that was here? 

Yoongi springs up. He runs towards the door and yells out. "Kaitlyn!" 

I run towards the door after him. Yoongi is awkwardly hugging the crap out of Kaitlyn. 

"KAITY!" I yell, and she smiles and waves slowly, grimacing form the strong hold Yoongi had her in. Yoongi quickly lets go of her and apologizes. A blush of pink in his and her cheeks. She comes over to hug me. 

    "What are you doing here? Don't you have work?" I ask her as she lets go first. 

    "Yeah. But Yoongi invited me." She explains, to which Yoongi nods and blushes even harder. 

He's so whipped for her  I think. 

"Two minutes!" A stage crew member says, and were rushing to get the outfits done. The boys run onstage once again, and I take Kaitlyn's hand and goes to the side of the stage. 

It's like a chant we started. It was as if we had been ARMYs since 2013. Like we were the first. 


Same as always. 

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