Chapter 26

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  As soon as I woke up, I dressed and headed out into the castle. I knew there would be a storm waiting for me.

  I ran into Dean only a minute after leaving my room. As soon as he saw me, worry clouded his face and he hurried over to me, giving me a deep but quick kiss and taking my hands.

  "Cas, I have to tell you something. It's about Hannah..."

  "I know," I said before Dean could continue. Dean blinked at me, surprised.

  "You... You do?" He asked. I nodded.

  "I saw her. But I don't know where she is now, so don't ask." I wasn't sure if Dean would be mad, but I wasn't particularly keen to find out.

  "Are you okay?" Dean asked. I blinked at him.

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

  "I mean Hannah's gone. How are you dealing with that? Are you okay?" Dean repeated.

  "Oh. I'll be fine. As long as Hannah is happy, I'll be okay," I said. Dean squeezed my hand.

  "Good. But Cas, my father isn't going to be happy about this, and he isn't that great of a person when's he's mad. I don't want him to take it out on you," he said. I smiled, my heart warmed by his concern.

  "I'll be fine, Dean. I can take care of myself," I said. Dean grinned at me.

  "I love you," he murmured.

  "I..." My throat closed up before I could reciprocate. It seemed that years of supression and prejudice couldn't be washed away so quickly. Shame flowed through me at my inability to speak, but Dean only smiled.

  "I know, Cas. It's okay." At that moment a slave turned the corner and the two of us jumped apart.

  "Ah, your highnesses. I was just looking for you. The King would like to see the both of you in his office," the servant said. Dean glanced at me, his eyes filled with worry, but I felt only calm as we began walking. I had been through so much since I came here, a mad king was nothing.


  King John was quite clearly furious. He was sitting behind his desk when we walked into the room, and the moment his eyes fell on me, his gaze darkened.


  "Dean, I'll get to you later. Right now I would like to ask Castiel what the hell is going on. Where is your sister?" John asked. I felt myself withering under the king's stare, but tried not to let my fear show.

  "I'm afraid I don't know. I wish I could bring her back, but she didn't tell me of her plan," I said. King John stood.

  "And what do you expect me to do in the face of such disrespect? We had a deal, Castiel, and I'm afraid I don't have any daughters for you, so I suggest you begin giving me some plans," he said. The more the king spoke in such a condescending tone, the less I was afraid and the more I was annoyed. I was about to speak, and who knew what I was about to say, but Dean spoke first.

  "Actually, I already thought of something you might consider," he said. The king looked at Dean in a silent signal for him to continue. "With Hannah gone, the only Novak left available for marriage is Cas. I think the best option would be for... For me to marry Cas and Sam to take the throne," Dean said. My eyes widened in shock. Marry Dean? So soon? By the look on the king's face, I wasn't the only one surprised by Dean's words.

  "We both know Sam's more suited to be king anyway. This way everyone can be happy," Dean continued. John walked around to stand in front of Dean and, before either of us could do anything, slapped Dean across the face. Dean and I both took a step back, and I felt anger flare up inside me. Who did John think he was?

  "I don't know what's gotten into you, boy, but I recommend you remove such foolish notions from your head," John said. Dean nodded meekly.

  "Excuse me, if I may, Sir, you seem to have a fundemental misunderstanding of the situation you're in, so allow me to enlighten you." Dean and his father both turned toward me, shocked at the blatant disrespect in my words. I didn't care. "You and your sons have been the fool and prematurely started a war you cannot finish. My father graciously offered to help you, to save your kingdom from your own reckless folly, by giving his last remaining daughter in marriage. Let me state this clearly so that you might understand: you need us. We have never, and will never, need you. This union was an act of charity on our part, and now that Hannah has left, that charity is entirely in my hands, and you, John Winchester, are at my mercy. If I were you, I would reconsider your son's offer, because to refuse could cost you." Dean was gaping at me, and so was John, though John seemed angry as well. I couldn't find it in myself to care, however. I was sick and tired of Winchester bullshit, and I wouldn't stand for it any longer.

  Before anyone could say another word, I turned and left.


I was slightly worried about what happened to Dean after I left, but going back would be a sign of weakness and we couldn't afford those, so I simply wandered around the castle. I was heading to Dean's room to see if he was there when I ran into Meg on the way. As soon as I saw her, my heart fell. I'd forgotten about Meg in all the noise. 

  "Clarence," Meg said, giving me a concerned look as we stopped in front of each other. "I'm so sorry, I heard about what happened. Are you okay?" 

  "Meg, I... I have to tell you something," I said. I could only hope I wasn't about to break Meg's heart.

  "There's no need Clarence," she said before I could continue. "I was actually looking for you just now. I have to go away for a while. For a long time, probably. I... I wish we could have had a chance. I'm so sorry, Castiel." Meg reached up and pulled me into a deep kiss and then hurried away before I could respond. I simply stood there, shocked and trying to understand what had just happened. Meg was leaving? Not her too. I may not have loved her like I thought I did, but I still considered her a good friend, and to hear that she was leaving as well... I wasn't sure I could take it. My feet began moving as if on their own, and before I knew it, I was at Dean's door. I desperately hoped he was inside.

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