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Armie's Pov

The beauty of the place will pleased you and  the birds singing is like a music in my ears. The amazing sunset not to mention the clean river around it brings the uniqueness of a large palace. But in spite of the beautifull illuminated place the great disaster that comes in hand is about to come....

I remember the first time I came here and the happiness I felt is indescribable.


Armie!!! Let's go!! Your step dad is waiting!!"

"Coming mom!!"

I'm so happy today cause we are moving to are new house. Mom said that this house is not  just an ordinary house... this is a palace. It has a large garden for me to play. I'm so excited to meet my future step father I hope he will be nice to me.

"Hon were here." My mom said with her angel voice.

As I came out from the car the first thing I saw was the beautiful river. The water is so clean that you can see what's under it.  It's so peaceful here... I like it here...

" Did you like it?" Out of nowhere I heard a voice. I slowly turned and  saw an old men... he's not that old. I think his around 30 to 40 just like my mommy.

" Yes sir, your place is so amazing!"  I said with a smile on my face.

" All of this is yours as well." he said.

" Really??"

" Yes. When me and you're mom get married, all of mine will be yours as well." He end up his line with a smile on his face.

He's like an angel like my mom so I'm sure mom will be happy in his arms. I'm happy for my mother cause he find someone like him.

End of flash back.

Everything is fine at first... But nothing last forever, after 3 years my step father start hurting my mom. He become violent... the angel I tought is a demon after all.

My mother died because of him. I'm so mad at him for what he did to her! Who didn't do anything but to love him with all of her heart!! He also harass me. He didn't treat me right. He treat me like an animal. February 12, 2011 when I made up my mind to leave that place. I was only 17 years old. I don't know where to go or where to get some help.

Then I met Nicholas he is the first person who help me. He give me freedom. He showed me everything that I need to know. Nicholas is the one that help me until I met Kevin. Kevin is the one who owns the shop we're I work right now and he' also a friend of Nicholas. They are my everything...

"Hey what are you think?" Kevin ask.

"Yeah what are you think? Are you think of me? HAHAHA!!"

"You wish Nicholas!!" Nicholas is the funny one in our group. And also thanks to him my day is always complete because of his corny joke! HAHAHA!

" Umm... Armie remember Entice, Greg and Lucas?" Kevin ask out of nowhere.

"You're college friends?"

" Yup!"

" Yes, I remember them why??"

"They will go here to pick me and Nicholas cause we're going out for dinner would you like to come?"

" Nah! It's between you and you're friend's hangout just enjoy your dinner with them." It's not that I don't like to be with them, I just want to give them space.

" Armie come on! Come with us so you can be friends with them too."


"No more but you're coming with us and that's final!." Nicholas and Kevin said.

dark and wildTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon