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“But… But why are you leaving me Lili?” Zayn practically wailed. He didn’t understand; why was Liam going away?

“I don’t want to leave Zayn, but I have to. Mummy and Daddy say that we need to go to London.” Liam explained carefully, trying not to sob.

“You’ll be coming back, won’t you?” Zayn asked with pleading eyes filled to the brim with unshed tears. The look Liam had given him had answered for him, and without meaning to, the treacherous tears began streaking down his cheeks.

“We’ll stay in contact, don’t worry. I’ll never abandon you.” Liam whispered, crawling towards his best friend, hugging him like he’d never let go. Zayn cried into his shoulder, holding him so tightly his knuckles were going white. He was losing his best friend, and there was nothing he could do about it.

“I’ll call you as soon as I get there and we’ll talk every day okay?” Liam asked while pulling back and rubbing comfortably at his arms. Zayn whimpered but nodded nonetheless. How was he supposed to start Year One in the fall without Liam? Liam would forget about him, he just knew it. He was going to be with new people in London, people who he could actually see without driving two and a half hours.

“Liam, we’re leaving now! Finish up with Zayn; we don’t want to hit rush hour traffic!” Liam’s mother called. Zayn’s impossibly wide eyes widened even further as more tears trekked down his face. He bit his bottom lip between his teeth to hold in his whine of protest and making Liam feel worse.

The boys got up slowly and dusted themselves off before joining hands and marching like the brave little soldiers they were to Liam’s parents’ car. Liam’s mother motioned to wrap things up, so Liam turned to Zayn with watery eyes before lunging forward and enveloping his neighbour in a bone crushing hug. Both boys broke into a sob, unable to remain strong anymore. Liam gave one last squeeze before pulling away, casting a look at the boy in front of him.

Zayn let an attempt of a reassuring smile appear on his face, although he guessed it looked more like a grimace.

“Have fun in London Lili. Don’t forget me okay?” Zayn asked quietly. Liam looked at him in shock.

“I’d never forget you Z, you’re my bestest friend. I love you. I’ll talk to you soon, yeah?” He replied softly. Zayn nodded quickly and motioned for him to get in the car. He was going to bawl for months after Liam left, he knew it. Liam got in the car, and his father started the car, and put it in reverse.

The small boy began waving frantically out the window to his friend. The car rolled down the driveway and into the road before turning towards the end of the street. Liam continued waving through the back window to the broken boy on his driveway. When he got out of distance, he turned back around and let the tears fall. He had no idea how long he cried before the darkness took him under.

Back on his driveway, stood a boy who stood like a statue with waterfalls where his eyes were. After an unnamed amount of time, he walked back to his house and right into his mother’s waiting arms. The sobs wracked his tiny figure and his mother had never seen a more depressing sight.

The phone calls and letters in the mail became fewer and fewer until they eventually stopped. Both boys had given up on staying on contact; they knew it was ridiculous. The day they both realized that was the day that wounds that had begun to heal were ripped open again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2012 ⏰

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