The second gift

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Brendon woke up early, even though he had hangover, he wanted to see Ryan.

"Mom....!" brendon shouted down the stairs

"Yes hunny....?" mrs. urie said

"I'm going to Ryan's......," he replied anxious to leave a.s.a.p.

"Brenny, don't you think you've been seeing Ryan a bit to often hun..."

"Anyone would think that you and him know.......the G word" she added

"You mean" he stuttered with worry that his mom would find out. he continued

" you?" she enquired

" going......bye!" he shouted and ran out the door

He ran to Ryan's anxious to see him and find out what the second gift was

"Ry....Ryan....the doorbell fell off!" brendon shouted up to the open window

"Whaaaaaaaaattt.......?" ryro groaned he had a hangover tone

He walked down to the door, rubbing his eyes awkwardly

"Hiiiii....babe....why so early?" Ryan asked pulling a grin

"Missed you babe..!" he said twisting his leg

"I missed you too...." Ryan replied pulling a large smile,

Ryan grabbed Brendon's hand and took him to the kitchen

"You had breakfast..?" Ryan asked smiling smugly with a cheesy grin

"Naaa.... rushed out the house, couldn't wait any longer too see you...!" He chuckled

"Awww...youre soooo sweet!" ryro grinned mischievously

Ryan cooked up a full English for brendon and himself

"Awww....thanks babe" brendon lightly said childishly

They eat and spoke about how they think of their situation, but they daren't bring up if they want to be together or not

"Sooo....babe, what's my second present" brendon enquired with a mischievous giggle

"Ahhhh....i almost forgot" ryan replied with a cheeky little grin of mischievousness

He pulled out a box from underneath the coffee table in the lounge

Brendon opened the box slowly, curious of the contents,

Inside was two boxes, he opened one and inside was a Indian friendship bracelet with two charms saying, bren and ryro.

A tear slowly drizzled down his face

He opened the second box, inside was a photo-frame with a picture, it was Ryan and brendon kissing

"Aww..." he paused, trouble to get his words out because of how emotionally to itched he was.

"Thanks are the sweetest I ever..." he weeped slowly leaning in to kiss Ryan.

Their lips moving in the same motion as each others,

Their heads moving slowly in the opposite direction as the other

Their tongues rubbed agains each other, as if they were tiring to make friction

Their heads slowly moved away from the other,

"Hey...." brendon said as he started wiping the tears from his eyes

"Where's Jon and spencer?" he added

"They've gone to a festival about 6 hours from here," Ryan replied gently

"They're coming back in about a week" he added

"Oooh...lucky you, house to yourself!" Brendon continued smugly

"I know right" Ryan added continuously as he winked at brendon.

"Ahhahhhh" Ryan yawned,

"Do you wanna stay here with me until Jon and spence get back?" Ryan enquired

"Ummm....yh sure...!" brendon replied excitedly

"Hey.....hey mom, can I stay at Ryan's with him until Jon and spencer get back, so he has some company...? pleaseee?" brendon asked beggishly so that his mom would say yes

"Fineeeee.....but how long are this Jon and s..spencer? gonna be?" she asked with a tone of annoyance

"A....weeeekkk?" he said pulling a grin of frighteness incase she said no.

"Fine see you soon hun.." she added annoyingly

The loverboys fell asleep on each other,

Brendon was cuddled up to Ryan's chest, the both, sleeping in their boxers,

Ryan had been cuddled up to Brendon's top half.

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