A changeable path

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After the crazy day yesterday, Jane and Georgia just spent the day talking and laughing about their lifestyles.
The  sun  leaves a bright, warm taste  of joy and happinessness in the girls blood.
"So....? When can be a werewolf like you?" Jane asked  as they watched the sunrise.
"Hmmmm, I don't  know yet. I'll know when your strong enough"  Georgia  replied as she sat on all fours , silently in pain.
Georgia started  wa.kong on all fours "That's a little weird....."
Jane points out while Georgia does her thing.
"It's essay once you get the hang of it. Want ,e to teach you?" A question Jane's  been waiting to hear.
"Yeah sure.'"
Jane smiled as they went on about walking on all fours so much that Georgia taught her more about her family backstory.
"Ok, let's see how far you can run." Georgia said as she made a course for Jane to try.
"Ok, here I go." Jane took a deap breath and moved her body to her limit. Georgia cheered her on as she was iching closer to the finish.
"Woah, did it. Wow, I did it and that......*phew!* Amazing."
After that Georgia was the first one to go to sleep  while Jane practised more of her movement on all fours.
The next morning Georgia was greeted by a friendly smile by Jane, howling?
"What are you doing?"
Jane perks up in belief "Oh, me? I'm just practising since I thought it was a good idea."
Georgia smelt the fresh bacon and chicken.
"Something smells nice"  She laughs bas Jane  walks over on all fours with some thing in her mouth. It was a gift bag. Inside was a envelope with Georgia's name written with black pen.
Inside the envelope was a with  a white piece  of scented  papper that smelt 'll,e strawberries with blue glitter pen.
The letter read:
Hey, I know what your thinking as I give you this letter. What in the hell  are you doing? Yeah I know, I'm  a great mediam. Anyway  while you was asleep  I look,ed up more information about werewolves. And now the big reason why. I decided that I would become a.... a ......
Woah this is really stressful by writing this. Anyyway I decided that I would become a werewolf  like you.
Hope this isn't  scary or upsenting.
"No this doesn't  scare me, I so happy that we'll  start oritantion today." Georgia smiles and hugs Jane with the most tough but cuddly grip.
"C'mon Jane nearly there, grab it, go for the kill." Georgia  yells as Jane grabs the chicken  using her mouth and shreds her catch.
"So" Jane  says with her mouth full "Now what?"
"Now our final piece of the trial. Transformation." Georgia  smiles  and licks her lips as the smell of Jane smelt soooo tasty. Georgia got closer and hit Jane's  arm "OW?! That hurts! B-b-but now... ha,ha,ha,ha, it's tickles. Hey! Stop! You're tickling me!" Jane's laughter fill the air.
"And now.." Georgia  began "We'll  form our own pack, and hunt together, eat together even fight together. Because your like me... a werewolf."
Georgia and Jane smile as they walk to the first where they saw each other before all this and howled until their hearts condent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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