Opposite day au(UwU):

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"Matt child locked the cabinets in the kitchen and only Tord and Him know how to open it."
-(Based off a one shot I read which I forgot who wrote it.TwT credit to them)

"Matt would smash any mirror in the house so The only mirrors found that isn't broken yet is in the bathroom in Tord's room."

"Edd has a panic attack at least once a month."

"Tord would silently panic and sob in his room late at night until he passes out really early since his system can't work properly without 8 hours of sleep."

"Matt would hit anyone with the bat if they hurt/Makes fun of his friends or if he doesn't have his bat... person would have his ego punched."

"Tom will be that social butterfly every where and is really sensetive so hurt the smol bean Matt will come running and hit you with a bat."

"Edd would try and kill himself a lot but obviously can't cause he knows every time he does it he gets caught,so after that Matt would hug him a bit even if he hates it."

"Tom sometimes calls Tord Sunshine lollipops and rainbows when Tord is having a panic attack and would hug Tord till he calmed down."

"Edd would cuddle Tord to calm himself down when he had a sudden panic attack.

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