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Listen to me right fucking now. sliccrick I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. I am in a complete fucking panic, I don't know what the hell happened last night, when I fell asleep, everything was perfect. I said yes to your proposal because I truly want to be with you no matter what we go through in this life (unless you cheat on me then i'll cut your dick off with scissors and shove it down the sink drain and turn the disposal on) but you have always told me, who cares what other people think or how other people feel as long as we're happy and together?? You have broughten me nothing but joy these last 7 months, and you're all I want in this world. Our little life is perfect, and our little family is perfect. We can fix and conquer anything as long as we talk it out and work together, you know that.

You have made me the happiest girl in the world, you have broughten back the light to my darkness, and if I lost you it would just go dark again. You are the most important person in this world to me and I don't know what the fuck I did 8 months ago. I don't know how I managed to exist without you.

Never have a met a man so special, and never did I think that'd I be lucky enough to simply even meet the perfect man that I've always dreamed of. You're everything I've ever wanted or needed in this life. You are absolutely perfect inside and out, you're too damn good to be true. I don't know how I got this fuckin blessed or what I did to deserve you.

We as a couple are strong. We are the water that could wreck the fire no matter how big and you know damn well that when you come back to me, that fire's going to be out, and everything is going to be safe. I had a surprise for you today to go with our romantic "girly" date I have planned. I don't know how the rest of the day is going to work out but what I do know is, that with the love we have for one another, we can get through anything.

When I said "yes" to you, I thought of it all. Arguments, disagreements, sickness, health, richerer, or poorer, til death do us part, because that's what I invision so clearly for us. I know that we can overcome anything. And I know that this life with you, and you are all that I want and pray for.

I feel like I'm repeating myself over and over again but you are the strongest man that I know. The most compassionate, the most understanding, passionate, hardworking, smart, witty, funny, open minded and hearted. I say this shit all the time but I'm so fucking speechless when it comes to you. I'm just so in shock and in awe at everything you do, and say that my brain can't process anything. Even just your smile turns me mute.

All the stars in a clear night sky can't equal to how much love I have for you, noodle. This life with you is something I will fight for to my death because you're the only one I want. If we were the last two people on earth, I wouldn't be happier. I love you more than you could possibly imagine. Thank you for making me feel how I feel all the time (except for right now) I love you with every part of me, you're what keeps my heart glued together. And for that I say thank u, not next because I'm not letting your handsome stubborn ass go anywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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