One shall stand....

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So, our next match is against pravda?

Anzu "Right."

You were all sitting in the student council room, trying to figure out a plan to beat pravda in the up coming match. 

Any Idea's Miho?

Miho "Well, last time we fought them they trapped us in a church in an attempt to make us forfeit the match. We had some people go and scout around the area and figure out which tanks were which and where they are. We were able to get out and win in the end."

Well, that's not gonna work this time.

Miho "Huh? Why not?"

Even if they did somehow pull off getting us trapped in a church we wouldn't be getting far. Remember, will's the best shot on their team and I know from experience that he almost never misses a shot. 

Anzu "Any Idea on how we could get around him somehow?"

Well, their used to fighting n the cold so we don't want to have a drawn out match. We would want to end the match as quickly as we could, the longer the match goes on, the lower our chances are of winning the match.

Miho "Agreed, but they do have more tanks then us so we have to take that into consideration as well. "

Not to mention there fire power is better than ours.

Momo "Well, considering we have beat them in the past we should be able to do it again. "

Yeah, but we're facing a tougher challenge this time around. 

You placed your hands behind your head and sighed, letting your body melt into the chair.

Miho "I'll come up with a plan for us to bea them, you guys go and prepare for the match."

You sure?

Miho "I'll be fine, go and help out around."

Alright, good luck.

You stood up and left the room ,closing the door behind you.

Will POV

We were getting out tanks prepped for battle, loading ammo and adjusting sights.

Katyusha "Katyusha will run over them with an iron fist!"

Sure, just make sure you keep the tank still when needed so my shot can be as accurate as possible.

She just looked at me, not saying a word. I went back to counting ammo inside the tank. 

Katyusha "That girl, why do you think she wanted to shut down their school?"


I looked back at her, she was looking up.

Not sure, but she clearly has some hatred for the school for whatever reason.

Katyusha "We need to win this match, to regain my pride!"

*Chuckle* And if we do we'll become gods.

*Timeskip * Y/n POV

Man, it's cold.

Anzu "You said it."

You and Anzu were sitting on top of the tiger tank, waiting for katyusha and Will to show up.

Man, why do we have to fight in the snow? I hate snow.

The Fight For His Heart. (Girls und panzer x Male reader x Yukari x Erwin )Where stories live. Discover now